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There are many people with complaints about how we don't answer quickly enough, so we have decided to make up the system of urgency.

If you have a question that you need to be answered right away, before the question, type in three exclamation points to indicate how urgent the question is.  


"!!! What should I wear for a party I have tomorrow?"

"!!! My exam is in two days and I need to study, how can I study efficiently?"

If you have a question that you don't mind waiting for a while, don't put anything in front of the question.


"My friend's birthday is in a couple of months, and I already have a gift but not the outfit for her party. Do you know what kind of outfit goes well with a casual birthday party?"

"What is the meaning of life?"

This will help us answer your questions quicker. If you already have asked a question and awaiting for an answer, send "!!!" if it's urgent.

We're months behind, therefore we are responding to the ones at the very bottom and the urgent messages.

Have a great day! Hopefully this system will help.

- #AskAmy Committee

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