I was reminiscent, feeling guilty, I hadn't given Fenrir a second thought, I left that old life behind me, my beloved pet included.

"Loki? Something's the matter, tell me," Ayesha rubbed my back sympathetically, she could feel my pain.

I sighed, reaching my left arm over behind me, covering her left wrist with my fingers, "you wouldn't understand."

"Let me try," she whispers softly, leaning into my back, I could feel her head, pressed beneath my neck, "after all you've seen done, with what you have been through, it's no wonder you've become the man you are, I just wish that everyone can see that."

"Ayesha," I was not used to this, though she wouldn't let go, what was I doing? "You don't know what it's like... To have to try and level up everyday to get a glimmer of appreciation, and just when you think everything is going right," I paused, "and then to be unmade, separated from the world you grew up in with the revelation that you are the monster parents told their children about at night." I let go Of Ayesha, "I was built up with anger and rage and hate, left in a state that I didn't know who I was anymore...... But now I do, and that is all that matters."

"They didn't know what they lost when they cast you out, from what I've seen you are better than them in every way." Her words were of some comfort, no other knew of this, but Ayesha was like a beacon, a burst of new hope, and I wasn't going to do wrong by her.

"That's what I've always thought," I half-smiled, burying those rogue emotions deep down where they couldn't get to me. On a lighter note, "There was a reason we mounted this horse you know? Hold on tight."

I took hold of Fandralls reigns, clicked my heel, commanding him to run, he was a magnificent steed, and galloped at high speeds, and Ayesha tightened her arms around me, making sure she didn't fall off.

Where were we going? Well the day was drawing to an end, I had to return Ayesha back home.

I could not send her via the BiFrost, Sif was already suspicious and if Odin knew, the BiFrost would have been closed to me. That didn't matter, had several routes up my sleeve.

I halted Fandrall once we had come to a grassy area that was met with a stream connected to a gigantic waterfall.

"What is this place?" Ayesha asked, the sense of exploration shining in her green eyes as I helped her off the horse.

I guided her near the waterfall, with a solemn look. Admiring, Ayesha stretched a hand out to touch the water and instantly the sight appeared before her. She was horrified, I hated doing this to her but I had to let her go.

"Loki no!" She had seen the view of Earth through the waterfall, in fact it was the field I had first met in, the corner of the waterfall was a portal to Earth, "is it because Sif found out? I'm sorry about that!"

"No it's not that," I answered softly.

"Then what is it, can't you tell me what your problem is?" She dearly wanted to remain on Asgard, to be by my side. Even though I did too, she couldn't, not yet.

"It's not safe for you at the moment, Ayesha, but the time will come"

"Loki I'm not a child!"

"Exactly!" I yelled out at her, exasperated, "you have grown up way too fast, and I want to know why!" I had snapped and Ayesha felt the stab of my cold tongue through the word it delivered, it shook her and the way I looked at the Midgardian made her uneasy.

She was speechless. I was not going to be the one to say anything in case ut made things worse, I couldn't push her away. I allowed for her to respond.

"You know Sif and the others told me," Ayesha mentioned once I had calmed and she had recovered, "they explained whole deal with Avengers, about how you killed a whole species and betrayed the house of Odin. They said you've changed, that you're not the same person as you used to be."

"Right," I set my jaw, rolling my eyes, what now? "So you see me as a monster too?"

"Loki you're no monster," Ayesha declared loudly, "and do you know what I think? I knew about New York, what you did before that? Well everyone makes mistakes, I for one am not perfect! I don't care if you've changed, my friend I didn't know who you were before, the person you are know is the one I've befriended. You're the most real thing in my life, the best thing!"

"Really?" I was shocked, she seemed to have revolved her entire life around me.

"I have a confession to make," she began breathing heavily, "I've also done things I'm not proud of."

I listened, it was her moment to pour out her heart to me, "My life... It's been difficult, I've been bullied, physically, and it hurt. But I underestimated my powers, while you were away, my sisters, Clarissa and Anya would continue their torment over me, they have a bad way with words. My eldest sister, Anya caught me on a bad day. I tried to..." She paused to swallow, painfully hiding away the tears, she was trying to put up a brave front for me, "ignore her words, but then she thrust me down to my knees, that was it... I only did it I defence, I didn't mean to hurt, I overestimated my own powers and sent Anya into a coma. Nobody else knows it was I who put her in that state, but I dread the day she wakes, in case she remembers."

"So... What? Are you blaming me? Is this somehow now my fault?" spat, furrowing my eyebrows. She was being ungrateful. I had given her the magic as a selfless deed, and now she was throwing it back in my face.

"I'm not blaming you Loki!" She shouted out, streaks of tears ran down her cold, white cheeks, "I'm thanking you! I believe I'm a better person because of what you did for me! It's.... People treat me different."

"They just don't know what to say," I was confused, this was new for and I was unsure of how to handle it. There was more I was sure of it, she bit her bottom lip nervously, "tell me, what is it?"

Still breathing heavily, Ayesha whimpered, her response was... unexpected to say the least, I was the cause for her woes, "if I go back home now, everything's going to become messed up! Wendy, my 'mother' her husband Steve, my 'dad', is coming back from his long work trip soon and he, well he despises my very existence, and I hate him, our relationship is kinda like yours and Odin's and I don't think I can face him. How could I go back after seeing all this? I belong here with you Loki! And the truth is.... If I leave now, well, I don't know when I'm going to see you again, and I dont want to wait ages for you to turn up again! I can't lose you Loki, you're all I've got!"

All she's got? Belongs with me? I can not believe what I am hearing! No one had ever spoke such words before, she was genuinely upset. But she has to go home, you know that! I told myself..

"I give you my word," drawing her close to me, "it will take a few days, but Ayesha, I will return and one day we won't need to be separated and you won't need to wait! You do believe me?"

"Of course..." Ayesha buried her head near my collarbone, softly bidding farewell, "Goodbye my friend."

"It's not goodbye," I smiled, taking Ayesha to corner of the waterfall, "This is where I leave you, walking through here will take you home. But I'm coming back for you, I promise."

My heart broke as I saw Ayesha disappearing beneath the water but finally she was safe for now. I wish I knew who she is! I had every intention to go back for her.

However, I did not expect what happened next...

(Authors note: hey everyone! I really hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, I really liked writing it! (Particularly the dialogue when Loki and Ayesha are at the waterfall)

And for all my fellow Tom Hiddleston fans, I couldn't resist the Steve and Wendy reference ;)

Please let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments!!

Thank you for reading!)

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