Chapter 7: I'm sorry.

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Garfield's POV

Damnit I feel completely terrible about what happened. I don't know what came up with me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kori who knocked on my door.

"Garfield may I come in we have to discuss things."

I let her in and we both sat on my bed, everything was silent until she spoke up

"Garfield what happened back at the training room?"

"I-I don't know...I don't know what came into me like that..I didn't mean it I was just.." I looked down not knowing what to say anymore

"Garfield, could you tell me how you felt earlier?"

I shrugged with a sigh and spoke

"I was happy, when I saw Raven I was even more happy, but when she looked at Damian I wasn't happy anymore...I got...angry and sad."

Kori put her hand on my shoulder then spoke

"I see, you don't by any chance have a crush on Raven do you?"

I blushed red, knowing it's true

"I uh kinda uh might have....No I do..I've been having a crush on her for a long time now..."

Kori smiled a little

"Tell her"

I gave her a sad sigh

"I can't because she likes Damian and Damian likes her"

I didn't want to tell her about what I saw the other day when they arrived at the tower, I guess they wanted to keep their relationship as a secret.

"Well, if that's the thing then tell Damian the reason why you did what you did and apologize."

"Alright I'll do it...."

"Thank you"

She gave me a hug

"And tell Raven as well, you would need to tell her."

I nodded and she left.

I waited a couple of minutes before I went to damian's door

I knocked on it but no one answered

"Damian you in there?"

Still no response

He's probably in the training room..

I thought and made my way there

I saw him train hard and sweat like crazy, he seems really really mad.

It's now or never.

Hello my fellow human beings I'm sorry I posted late and for how short it is... I had to give you something, but there will be a part 2 soon. I promise! Cya soon.


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