1. Falling for the Kitty Cat

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  A/N: Hey, guys. Bird0557 here. I try to make Peter as #relatable as possible. I don't want to give anything away, but I am very descriptive when it comes to romance scenes. You can skip these parts if you want. I may imply that Black Cat has a dirty mind, but I mean that usually comes with being flirty. You can also skip those parts if you want.
Also all thoughts are italicized. The reason I choose It Boy/It Girl up on top is because I thought it goes perfectly with a scene in this chapter. You can play the song as you read the chapter or at the right moment (hint: its with Black Cat.). Plz put your suggestions and thoughts into the comment box below. Now on with the story. Bird Out!

Peter Parker's POV
   The alarm in my room started beeping. Ugh, five more minutes please, I thought. I turned off the alarm and went back to bed. But then Aunt May shouted,"Peter, come on, get out of bed!" I pulled the pillow over my head and then I finally got out of my bed. Ten minutes later, I was downstairs eating my Frosted Flakes with a glass full of milk. I really like Gwen but Cat has feelings for me, where with Gwen, I don't know how she feels about me. Why do my emotions always have to be such a mess, I thought as I ate my cereal. Beep beep,the bus had stopped at the door. I waited behind my house till the bus left. I quickly changed into my Spidey suit and swung to Midtown High.

    Once I got there, I put my clothes on top of my Spidey suit. As soon as I walked in the doors, I saw Gwen."H-hey, Gwen. I like your shirt. It looks good on you," I told Gwen while I was blushing. "Thanks, Pete," she replied. The bell rang and it was time for chem class with Harry. Harry walked up to me and we started talking as we walked to class. "Hey, Harry, how's football going?" I asked. "Listen, Pete, I need to tell you something. They kicked me off the team," Harry said. "What?!?! Why?" I exclaimed. "Its okay, Pete. I'll explain later," Harry quickly said while running ahead of me.

    I decided to make a chemical to destroy Venom in case I needed it later while I was in chem lab. But my mind was focused on Harry. Why did they kick him off the team? Did he do something wrong? What about Gwen and Cat? How will I choose?!!? I really need to talk to Cat, I thought. I took the chemical I had made, poured it into one of my tubes then I stuffed it in my pocket.The bell rang and I was sad that my favorite class was over.

    My next class was robotics with Gwen. I'll just probably stare at Gwen until the class is over, like I usually do, I thought. "H-hi, Gwen," I mumbled as I walked in the class. I sat next to Gwen, hoping I wouldn't make a fool of myself. The teacher said that we were doing a project and we could choose partners. Flash and the other boys choose parts of their posse. I closed my eyes and pointed at Gwen, but when I opened my eyes, she was doing the same thing. We started laughing at how ironic it was. The teacher spoke again, saying that our project was to build a four foot tall robot. It was due in four mouths and was a midterm grade. I was glad we were partners.

    The bell rang once again and now it was time for lunch. I walked to the cafeteria with my two best friends, Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. We found an empty table and sat down. Gwen and I brought lunch while Harry got in the lunch line. I ate a cheese sandwich with apple slices, juice and a cookie, but Gwen ate some pasta with alfredo sauce, water and a mini pie. Harry had just bought a Caesar salad with rasberry vingarette. "G-wen, he needs to tell you something," I whispered into her ear.

   Harry spoke up, saying,"You're not very good at whispering,Pete. Is there something going on between you two?" "N-no," I mumbled as Harry stared at our blushing faces. "Uh.. its best I don't know anyways. As I was trying to tell you, Gwen, I got kicked off of the team." Harry nervously replied. She exclaimed,"Harry, nobody is going to do something mean to one of my friends!" "Thanks, but it was my fault. I'll tell you about it later," Harry quietly exclaimed. Gwen and I had very confused looks on our faces, but we kept quiet.

   All of a sudden, the bell rang. It was time for Geometry ||| with Gwen and Harry. Math is so easy. It was as easy as spelling the word cake. How could anyone could ever be bad at math? I was excited that I had gotten into the Mathletes Club. Being there with my friends was my favorite part of being in the club. As soon as Geometry began, the teacher passed out our papers for the test. I whizzed through the test and triple checked my work, then I handed in my work. I saw a part of the class cheating. Wow, they must be really desperate, I thought as I decided to pay them no mind. As the rest of the class finished up, I read the latest comics from Sunday's newpaper. The bell rang and school was out early because it was President's Day.

    I went to Taco Bell across the street and got myself a double cheese burrito. I love burritos! I payed for my food and then I changed into my suit. I stuffed my burrito in my hidden pocket and went off to find Cat. I saw her and I swung over.

  "Hey,Cat! What's up," I asked. "Oh, you know, the usual," she replied in her normal flirtatious voice."Listen, Cat, we need to talk. When we kissed..." I started to say. Cat interrupted me saying,"I know,Spider, your lips were even softer than I expected them to be." I started to blush and I knew right then and there that Black Cat was the one for me. I remarked,"I will thank you for that kiss now by rewarding you with one, Cat." Cat looked suprised by my unusual flirtatious tone. I quickly walked over to Black Cat and put my hands on her waist and pulled up my mask a little.
        Black Cat's PVO

   I'm so confused right now. What is he doing? Spider has never acted so flirtatious before. Its strange and unusual change from his shy self. I like it. His lips suddenly pressed against my open mouth. His tongue seemed confused at first, but it eventually got it. My tongue started to copy his and we continued our passionate kiss. I was starting to run out of air but Spider would not let my mouth slip. I started to cry because my lungs started to hurt. He saw my tears and started to let go. As our tongues parted, a small bit of salvia connected them.

Spiderman's POV
  At first, my tongue had no idea what it was doing, but it slowly started to get into the rhythm of her tongue. Cat's tongue was experinced, however mine was not. After all, this was my first kiss. My lips caressed hers as my tongue went in deeper into her mouth. As we continued our passionate kiss, I felt like my heart was jumping out of its rib cage. I suddenly noticed the tears falling out of the Cat's eyes and I pulled slowly away. We both panted hard.

  "What's wrong, Cat," I asked out of concern. Cat replied flirtatiously, "Nothing, I was just out of breath. You're a really good kisser, Spider." I stuttered, "Uh-uh, t-that was m-my first one." Cat exclaimed,shocked, "What,really? Wait, that means you're either in high school or in college? Which one?" "H-high school," I replied. "Wow! I'm in high too," Cat said. "WHAT! B-but you have white hair!" I exclaimed. "Unfortunately, I can't blame you for thinking that. But the reason my hair is white because when I got my powers, my hair got bleached." Cat quietly said with a sad look in ther eyes. I whispered," Oh, Cat, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

  I pulled my burrito out of my secret pocket. Cat face immediately changed from a sad look to a smirk. Umm, oh no!, I thought. "Ooh, a secret pocket. What other kinds of things do you keep in there?", Cat said with an emphasis on the word other. I know what she's thinking. I turned crimson red under my mask and shrieked,"CAT! Not those kinds of things! What I am going to do with you?" "You're going to give me some of that burrito," Cat replied to my rhetorical question. "Ugh, fine, Cat! But it's cold," I said while rolling my eyes and handing her half of my uneaten burrito. We both ate our halves of the burrito in silence.

  My phone started my ringtone Twenty-One Pilots-Heathens as Gwen was calling me."Umm, Cat, I have to answer this," I said as I swiped my phone button. "Hey,Gwen" "Peter,where are you? You said you were coming to the President's Day party that started at 12:30!" "Oh,uh, I got stuck in some traffic. I'm on my way." "Ok,Pete, I'm counting on you." "Bye,Peter." "Bye," I said and then I hung up and put my  in my other secret pocket. I got up and and was about to leave but Cat stopped me by saying,"Aren't you forgetting something?" I turned around and ran to her and pulled her into a warm tight hug."I gotta to go, Cat," I said and then I swung away.
😃😃😆 Bye!
Quick a/n-I have midterms soon. I may be late in posting the next chapter. Don't worry I'm trying to work on the next chapter tho.

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