(2) Dangerously Unstable

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CASE 0000013799

Patient: Victoria Sawyer.

Age: 17.

Mental disease: Obsessive compulsive disorder. (OCD)

Favorite color: changes with the patient's mood.

Patient appearence: Tall, athlete body, olive skin, more of a tan. Gray eyes, black hair

Draw analysis: She drew herself in the left side of the page and little, wich means she feels less than the others. Her hair was a little low on the shoulders which means she has a low self-estim. She drew her hair with curls, this may mean that many problems of her life are unsolved. Her hands were at the back of her body, hidden. This means that she is not an easy person to talk too or that maybe she is hiding something. She only drew one head.

NOTES: The patient seems to be in denial of her disease. Good sign. Likes "uncontrolled music" (rock, punk rock, pop rock, etc) and she seems to like very much the lemon pie? Lack of self confidence.

Later a knock woke me up.

-"Knock knock princess, time to get out of your castle"- The old nurse was knocking my door like crazy.

-"I'm coming"

-"Honey you don't know where to go"

-"Just a minute please!"- I closed the bathroom door just in time as the nurse opened the bedroom door. I heard the big protest of my new uncomfortable not squishy bed as she seated on it. Now...I didn't want to keep dressing this stuff I was wearing so I changed into a black shirt, black jeans and fluorescent converse. I loved those ones. And last but not least, my black krma leather jacket. When I got out of the bathroom the nurses' eyes opened wide.

-"Huh...looks like we are going to have another rebel here. You'll be good friends with Alex." Oh yes. I'm sure. My new BFF Alex.

We passed through very weird corridors. Doors were locked and people behind them were screming and hitting them. Many begged to be taken out of this place. The hair on my arms raised and i hurried my pace. We walked through many "everything white" corridors until we finally got to a door that said "Therapy Group". Yes, this was going to be the place were all the slaves of hell would take hands and start to sing camp songs around a fire.

-"Just in time!"- exclaimed Gramps as I entered the room. I looked around the room and saw chairs lined in a circle. Yeah, weird right? lined in a circle. There were at least 8 people seated already and one empty seat for me. Nice, I was number 9. Yes I had this thingy with numbers too. Only a few people caught my attention in the room. A girl with long blond hair and blue eyes, very thin. She looked mean. Another girl with short black hair and almost black eyes, she was pretty . A boy with brown hair and green eyes, athletic body. And finally another guy with black hair and blue eyes. Everything about him screamed at me DANGEROUS. And just my luck the empty seat was between the mean girl and the dangerous boy. Awesome. I took my seat and just looked straight ahead, waiting for the session to start. I couldn't stop noticing how the dangerous guy looked at me suspiciously. The Doctor cleared his throat. Huh what was his name anyway?

-"Guys, this is Victoria Sawyer. She is a new member of K.I.T Houses. She is going to be here for as long as she needs it. Be nice with her ok?"

-"Oh sure Doctor I'm gonna treat this girl just fiiiiiine." Said and african american boy. He reminded me of Kevin G, you know the one from the movie Mean Girls? Yep the same one. I rolled my eyes at him and gave him my best bitch sneer.

-"Now, now. Let's start to introduce ouserlves, Kevin do you want to start?"

-"Hell yeah"- I noticed that his seat was very close to an albin girl and before he started he slooked at her. The girl noded her haid, giving him encourgment. The chair was much too close. He continued.

-"I'm Kevin"

-"Hi Kevin"- I said. Yes, I was the only one to say this. Like a total dork. Everyone started to laugh.

-"Silence please" The Doctor ordered "Victoria this isn't anonymous alcoholics"

-"My bad" I said "You may continue Kevin"

-"So as I was saying, I'm Kevin"-I had the urge to say like an idiot "Hi Kevin" again- "I'm 20 years old and I have Dependent Pesonality disorder". Huh that explained the chair and the nod. Then everything was silence. What now? Where we supposed to clap?

-"Ok, next" said Gramps.

And then everyone started talking about their problems and I pretended to listen until it was turn of the mean girl.

-"My name is Ashley, I'm 18 and I have Anorexia Nervosa" - yep! We can see that.

-"What do you see when you look yourself at the mirror?" Asked Gramps.

-"Fat, fat, fat"- The hairs on my arms raised. This girl couldn't weight more than my little cousin of 7 years or my little brother. She really had problems. And how could she live without gloriously delicious juicy food? Food for me, was like drug.

-"Ok, Victoria you are next" I stood up in front of my chair and looked at everybody.

-"My name is Victoria but you can call me Tori, wait, poo on that. Let me start over again. My name is Victoria and I'm 17 years old. I like pie" I supresed my laughter and seated down.

-"Victoria you are not doing this right, you have to accept your desease"

-"Oh...so liking pie is a desease? Ok sorry, how many times am I gonna poo on what I say everytime?" Then a girl to the left stood up from her seat.

-"What's wrong with liking pies?"

-"Oh Allyson don't be so stupid. Pies are full of carbs! Fat, fat, fat!"- said Ashley

And then everybody started to argue about pies and cheeses and I don't know what else. I figured that this was the perfect moment to make my escape. I ran for it and flew through corridors and corridors and more corridors until I reached a hall that was empty. With my back against the wall I seated on the floor. Oh God! I need a cigarrette. WTF? I didn't even smoke. This place was already messing up with me. My "desease" is nothing compared to the people that were here. I heard footsteps. I hoped it wasn't the Gramps.

-"Hey new girl"- Said a faceless voice. It was too dark to see.

-"It's Victoria"

-"Yeah, whatever, for me you are Pepper"- said the voice and I could see his face now. It was the dangerous boy. The one with the black hair and blue eyes.

-"And why are you here?"

-"What? Is this your secret spot from now on? Sorry baby, I was here first"- Yes I wouldn't start to fight over a stupid "spot". So I continued the conversation.

-"I didn't gave you the chance to talk. Soooo sorry"- I smiled at him.

-"Well then, let's have our private group therapy. I'm Alex -he said as he seated like 15 feet away from me- I'm 23 and I suffer from Agarophobia."

-"Oh"- I said like I totally new what the desease was about. He chuckled.

-"I'm afraid of the outside world, and that means the outside people too".- he looked away as if he were embarrased.

-"Oh don't be afraid of me! I can barely kill a cocoroach".

-"That's because you are afraid of it, and disgusted".

-"Well yes, maybe"

-"So I disgust you? Are you afraid of me?"

-"No,no I- He didn't let me finish.

-"No yes, I know exactly what you meant" -He stood up and started to walk away, but before he said- "You better watch your back Pepper"

WTF? This didn't even made any sense. I was there seated on the floor, wondering what the fuck was wrong with him? What did I do? This guy was seriously ill. Suddenly the lights turned off. Fuck. I stood up and started to run back all the corridors haring the people behind doors screaming and crying. I didn't know how I got there but when I saw my room with it's number 0048 I went inside and closed the door. I threw myself into my new uncomfortable not squishy bed and started to cry.

Dangerously UnstableWhere stories live. Discover now