Chapter 1 ♥

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I watched the clock in school waiting for the bell to ring.

I cannot wait to get out of this misery, 2 minutes, this has probably been the longest 2 minutes of my life.

My teacher's just yapping about some last minute lesson, that I couldn't stand any longer. 

Dang it, just ring the bell already! As if it read my mind, the bell rang.


Our teacher said her farewell, and we all headed out the classroom. "Sooo, what are you planning to do this summer?" My best friend asked me, while trying to catch up with my walking, 

I slowed down and shrugged, "The usual, dance, dance, dance and more dance, not that it bothers me," I told her, 

She nodded, "So you think we can still hang out?" She asked,

I nodded "well, duh" I replied, laughing, we talked for a while til my mom fetched me,

"Bye, I'll see you soon" I told her, and got into my mom's car, "Hey Mom" i told her, she smiled, 

"Hi Sweetheart, how was the last day of school?" she asked, 

I shrugged, "eeh, the usual, so mom, when will i go back to the dance studio?" I asked her, 

"Hun, your father and I talked, your father received a job offer in New Jersey, and we can't just say no to that, so we'll be moving during the summer.." My mom told me, 

My jaw dropped, "WHAT?! Mom what about dance?!" i asked her, 

"I talked to your aunt she said she can enroll you to the dance studio your cousins go to." She told me,

"Well, when are we leaving then?" I asked her,

"In 2 weeks, so it's best you start packing, don't worry though, you still have time to say goodbye to your friends" My mom replied.

Good As It Gets- Vinny Castronovo Love Story ♥Where stories live. Discover now