I realized he was waiting for me to say something so I replied with a muttered "uh, yea"
Once again the only thing to be heard was our footsteps and the wind blowing in the summer heat.
Gennjis had caught on to my quietness fairly quick and saw it as an invitation to talk even more.
With that, Familiarity between him and I felt a bit shortened.
"Damn straight Uko! don't worry about them I'm one of the strongest kids in the village! Making myself quite comfortable even though we just moved here not a week ago"
So that's why I've never seen him until now.
I wondered how he could be so outgoing. It was hard for me to mumble to a store clerk and this guy was just jabbering on to a freak who got beat up by some kids.

Maybe tomorrow he'll realize that hanging with me would just make himself a target and decide to leave me alone. Even if he was labeled "the strongest kid" he probably wouldn'tve been able to defend himself against a whole gang. Especially if I couldn't. I was a bit scrawny but by no means weak.
As far as I knew, he was completely normal.

My thoughts were interrupted by gennjis' talking.
"Wanna hear how I got the title?" He didn't wait for my reply and continued "so the first day I got here I heard the kids that lived here liked to spar, fight, whatever you wanna call it, for money. So I gambled 800 Zeni that I could beat them if they all came at me at the same time!
Crazy I know. Well, long story short, I got them all to the ground and was taking home a wad of cash while they went home with bruises and damaged pride"
Okay maybe he's not as normal as I thought.
"Hey maybe you and I could spar sometime! Without the gambling of course. You seem like a pretty tough kid if you're still walking after all that"
I kept my gaze straight ahead at the dirt road
"Yea, but you're tougher if you're not bluffing about actually beating all of them"
Where did that come from?
"Hey I'm not bluffing! I'll do it again right in front of you to prove it if I have to!"
We were only yards away from my home at this point. This guy had to be bluffing. There's no way an average kid like him could've taken on all of them.
My muscles were screaming at me for rest and I couldn't wait to get into the comfort of my bed.

"Well I just might take you up on that offer"
I smirked slightly.
"If you're willing to give half of what you bet, to me"
Gennjis raised a brow at my offer.
We were now at the front door of my home. I turned to him to say goodbye when-
"Well I guess this is where we part ways, see you tomorrow for the bet? Same place, same time?" He put his hand out and for a second It didn't register till I hesitantly shook it.
"Yea" I gave a small smile and went inside to greet my very worried mother.

That was five years ago.

Ever since then Gennjis and I have been like brothers and stuck like glue. Wherever I was, he was.
Nobody mentioned one of us without the other.
Secrets and crushes were kept between me and him.
We had each other's back no matter what.

I found that out the first time I talked to him about my secret life.
No, I didn't tell him every detail, but little by little I let him put the pieces together.

Four months after we met I got the courage to tell him my first secret. I felt like maybe he'd be okay with it since he already knew about my abnormal ability to withstand attacks (even though I don't fight unless I need to defend myself). He did in fact prove himself the day after we met so I found out he wasn't a liar after all. And oh boy he could definitely withstand more than me.

We were sitting in a shady tree, pretty high up.
The sun was setting but my mother knew where I was so I wasn't worried.
Gennjis was telling me a few personal things from his old home.
"So yea, my dad said we had to get out of there because bad people wanted to take me away or something"
I furrowed my brows in thought.
"But why would they do that? Your dads a good guy from what I hear so what's up with them?"
Gennjis matched my facial expression.
"I don't know... "
it was quiet for what seemed like minutes before Gennjis spoke again.
I looked at my companion to see his black eyes staring into mine.
"Is it okay if I tell you a secret? ...Promise you won't share it with anyone?" He asks.
Of course. There's nobody else I could share it with even if I wanted to.
We keep eye contact while he says the words that I have been so accustomed to all my life.
"My dad.. says I'm not normal.."
my eyes widened.
"What does he mean by that?"
I couldn't contain the question. If I was honest with myself it made me feel a little excited.
Even if he wasn't exactly like me, to know he wasn't completely normal or felt so was close enough to make me feel better.
"Well... I guess it's not normal for people to have black irises. And it's not normal for kids to be able to take a grown mans punch or win against several other kids...."
I didn't pry anymore even though it felt like there was more to this than what he was telling. Genjis's words felt strained, like he was trying his best to hold back whatever was eating him from the inside.
Realizing how he felt about the situation,
I decided I'd make him feel less alone too.
"You wanna hear my secret..?"
My friends face relaxed so I took it as a yes.
"I know it's gonna be hard to believe.. but please don't freak out."
I took a deep breath as my heart pounded at what I was about to do.
Never had I been able to show anyone, never had I been allowed. I still wasn't. And I still didn't know how this was going to affect our friendship.
I saw the others face turn to a curious look as he patiently waited for me.
Here goes nothing.
I lifted my shirt a bit, keeping my gaze fixed on Gennjis' expression as it changed from curious to utter shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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