Chapter 2

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Tutus mountains

I opened my eyes to a cold day on a mountain, yet I wasn't cold. Everything had a weird tinge to it, more dull then it used to be, I started to freak out when I heard a calm soothing voice.

"It's ok you'll get used to it." I didn't know whether to freak out because there was a voice in my head or calm down like the voice said.

"Do you want the bad news first or the good news?" The voice asked in a serious tone.

"Um...bad news first?" I replied uncertainty.

"You are controlling my body."

"What?! How come I've never heard you before?!" I almost shouted at the voice.

"Go look in the pool at the back of the cave." Voice replied calmly. I tried to stand up but fell forwards onto all fours immediately. Confused, I put a leg forward only to see a paw. I went to take my hand away from the paw only to have the paw move too. I looked to see I didn't have hands, instead I had paw. Walking towards the pool, as I gazed into it I realised I was a snow leopard.

As the shocking truth dawned on me, I thought back to what had happened. What had happened to me?
"Well you were close to dying because of those loud stick pellets when you arrived here."

"Do you mean the guns?" Surprised that this mysterious voice didn't know what a gun was.

"Is that what you humans call it? Well anyway, I had to transfer you into my body before you died" I growled in shock.

"So I'm dead?!" I shouted only to hear a roar come from my new mouth.

"Giria?"I turned around to see a panther, a name was put into my head "Kira?"

"Were you talking to yourself? Or to your other half?"Kira asked curiously.

I had a sudden urge to say curiosity killed the cat thinking it was from the voice or as Kira had called it other half.

"Curiosity killed the panther." I tried to say but it just sounded like growling to me she seemed to understand though.

"What's your name, hunter cub?" She asked.

"How did you know I was a human and not the voice?!"

"Well number one Giria is not just a voice she was our healer, she would never say that to me. Number two, you can't seem to control your tail." I looked back to find my tail swishing from side to side like a snake.

I don't know what to say. She had read me like the back of her paw.

Kira smiled a catish grin as she watched me impatiently try to calm down my flicking tail. A low growl reverberated around the cave and it took me a second to realise that it was me that was growling. I heaved a sigh and left my tail to flick as much as it want. My face was scrunched up in an annoyed look as I turned back to Kira.

"Will I ever get to become human again?" I asked sadly, my breath condensing in front of me before drifting out of the cave.

"We can not answer that right now, we must focus on healing." The voice controlled my mouth, letting out a hiss before letting me gain control again. Kira nodded at me obediently but I had a feeling it was my other half she was showing the respect to, not me.

'How did you do that? How did you control my mouth? I thought you couldn't do that?' I asked Giria.

"I must say it took a lot of effort, but really all I had to do was send that message really loudly into your thoughts so you would say it out loud. All my muscle are aching now from all the power I had to put into that. Could we rest? It will help our healing." A slow ache filled my muscles as I realised that I would have to rest. I didn't really have a choice.
We shared a body now, so if one of us gets hurt, we both feel it.

"Kira, is there any where I can rest? Giria says it will help the healing." The panther led me over to a to a dent in the floor covered the some feathers and dry grass. Before I could go to lie down, Kira's tail flicked up blocking my way.

"Have some water from the pool and I will bring you some prey to eat after you have drank. You should not starve yourself no matter how tired or aching your muscles are. Our strength it what keeps us cats living." I nodded silently and went over to the pool as she had ordered.

"She is right, the strength of our bodies must always be stronger than the hunters. We must always have the advantage in strength because if we don't, our pelts will be hung up on a wall next to all the other animals in our forest." Giria growled in my head. I could feel my tail slashing back and forth with anger as I lapped up the water. I guess our connection was quite strong because I soon felt the anger spreading through my entire body.

"Sorry." Giria said quickly, "I must contain my anger at the hunters, as a healer it is my duty to focus on the healing of others. I cannot do that if I am not thinking straight or am controlled by my emotions. Let's just eat and rest so we can help tomorrow." A small shiver of sorrow spread down my spine before disappearing. I padded over to my 'bed' and gobbled up the prey of a large rabbit greedily. A contentment filled my aching body a I was lulled into sleep.

Thanks to my wonderful editor and to all reading this please comment, and vote.
(Editors note: Thanks, sorry readers it took so long for me to properly edit this! Hope it's better now. :) )

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