I shrugged. Only one way to find out.

I knew this school's layout like the back of my hand. The hallways, the pockmarks in the walls, the graffiti in the bathrooms... Hell, you could quiz me on how many tiles were in the cooking club, that's how long I'd stared at those monitors, waiting for blackmail material. My hand trailed along the wall as I made my way to the music room.

My phone buzzed. I looked down at it. Naoko had moved again. I frowned. Security camera seven? Why's she going there? I shook my head and turned around, changing direction. Off to the sewing room we go! With renewed strength, and curiosity, I strolled down the stairs towards said room. Sewing. Maybe she's sewing a... I drew a blank. I didn't understand the relevance or connection at all. Oh well. We'll find out soon enough. Walking around the school aimlessly wasn't my favorite way to pass the time, but I had to keep an eye on her. Just in case it might help later on. Who knows if I'll have to videotape her sabotaging Tsunoi-chan or... I sighed. Or killing her. Did I really want Tsunoi-chan to die?

She did do a lot of bad shit to me in the past, but, the past is meant to be forgotten, right? "Forgive, forget," as they say. But I'm not some delusional amnesiac. She knows what she did. I know what she did. A little chit-chat with some crumpets and tea won't patch that up. I couldn't believe these thoughts were actually running through my mind. She'd be getting what she deserves.

I shook my head. Who's the killer now, self?

Last time the girl who had a crush on him died. Her name was Sano Ren. I had assumed Naoko was the killer yesterday morning. After all, the way she behaves isn't natural. She's in a couple of my classes; her behavior doesn't change. She's not subtle enough... Or maybe just not smart enough to clean up her act. I clutched my head, rubbing at my temple. I turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs. Am I seriously admonishing a criminal for being too obvious? What has my life come to...

My thoughts trailed off when I realized I was close to the room. My footsteps halted of their own accord. I subconsciously held my breath. I'd never gotten this close to her alone. I wasn't in danger, right? My phone buzzed before I could take another step. I let out the breath I was holding and opened it up.

[Security Camera Six: Imai Naoko and Tsunoi Chiaki.] I furrowed my brow. What? Both of them in the... Realization dawned on me. I held my phone ready and jogged to the storage room, letting only the balls of my feet touch the ground as lightly as possible. I neared the room and slowed, my breath held in anticipation once again. Maybe a twinge of fear as well. I gently touched my fingertips to the wall, turning to look into the glass window of the door. I opened my phone and tapped the camera icon. Inside, Naoko stood atop Tsunoi's body. I covered my mouth, stifling my heavy breathing. Tsunoi was already dead. I couldn't help her now. Her blood coated the floor, a thick stain on the wall from where she was probably stabbed. Her eyes... I felt bile surge up my throat, escaping my lips and trailing down my hand. I gasped in shock, letting the vomit hit the floor.

Option 1: Open the door and start videotaping.

Option 2: Run back to the Info Club to videotape her from there.

If you chose option one, keep reading. If you chose option two, skip down to it. One leads to the good end; the other to the bad. I couldn't decide on how to end it, so now the choice is yours.

Option 1:

I wiped the vomit onto my skirt, trying my best not to breathe in the vile smell. My finger tapped a button, starting the video. Keeping the phone as steady as I could, I used my other hand to grip the cold handle. I took a deep breath. Inhale... exhale.

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