You don't get along with one of the other girlfriends (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

“So you’ll come?” you felt him loosen his hold on you. You sighed and dejectedly confirmed that you would go. He let you down immediately, a grin evident on his face.

“You’ve got,” he glanced at his watch, “about twenty minutes. Better hurry.” He kissed you quickly before leaving the bedroom as you scowled at him.


 Your boyfriend’s arm was tense around you as you two sat silently on the Liam’s couch, his girlfriend sitting a good distance away from you. Louis cleared his throat, adjusting his arm around you slightly.

“So Sophia,” Louis started awkwardly, “how did you meet Liam?” She glanced at him before returning her attention straight ahead.

“Through his mum actually. Our parents are good friends.” Her voice was flat, no emotion evident in it.

“That’s… cool,” you felt bad for Louis. He was trying his best to make conversation with this girl and she wasn’t having any of it.

Mentally cursing yourself, you told Louis, “Why don’t you go see what’s taking Liam so long.” He relaxed, giving you a thankful look before leaning in for a kiss and disappearing into the hallway that lead to the stairs. It was even more tense without Louis there so you turned to Sophia, smiling at her.

“It really is great to meet you. Liam has told me lots about you.” She turned to look at you, tilting her head.

“Really? He’s told me lots about you as well.” You grinned; you and Liam were always close and you considered him one of your best friends, second to Louis of course.

“We’re really close-“

“A little too close for my liking,” she cut you off, narrowing her eyes at you.

You glared back at her, “I don’t think it’s your place to tell me that.”

She laughed and raised her eyebrows at you, “Of course it is. I’m his girlfriend.”

You could feel your patience start to dwindle, “And I’m his best friend. Even as his girlfriend I don’t think you should control who he’s friends with.”

She scoffed, “Oh so you wouldn’t mind if I became best friends with Louis.”

“No I wouldn’t because I don’t control his life. And leave Louis out of this,” you spat at her.

“Leave me out of what?” Louis appeared in front of you two with a worried looking Liam standing next to him.


“Your seat’s just down there Y/N,” Paul said to you, raising his voice so he could be heard over the thousands of girls’ screams.

“Thank you!” you called back to him as you made your way to where he pointed. You pulled your phone out of your purse, texting Liam that you had found your seat. It was the first show you would be seeing of the Take Me Home tour since you were no longer busy with other obligations. Liam was incredibly excited that you were going to watch and you couldn’t help but smile at the memory of him bouncing in his seat on the way to the arena.

“Y/N?” you looked up from the screen when you heard a rather unfriendly voice call your name. Almost dropping your phone, you were shocked to see Eleanor sitting down next to an empty seat. Your stomach dropped and you narrowed your eyes.

“Fancy seeing you here,” she said with a forced smile, making you grit your teeth. You and Eleanor attended the same UNI and knew each other before Louis and Liam. Even then you two never got along, always finding yourselves throwing insults at each other or arguing.

“Well are you going to sit down then? People are staring at you.” You felt multiple eyes on you and you blushed furiously, exhaling deeply before taking your seat next to her.

“t at least warn you who you would be watching the show with.

“We should at least try to get along,” Eleanor said randomly, having to shout to be heard. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, watching as she tapped away on her iPhone.

“And why is that?” you asked, frustrated with this whole situation.

“Maybe then Louis would stop forcing me to hang out with you,” she rolled her eyes, setting her phone down in her lap.

You scoffed at her, “Why don’t you just keep to yourself for the rest of the show and we might get out of this without ripping each others head off.”


You yanked your shoes on in frustration, trying to avoid Zayn from saying anything else to you. But he was already dressed, standing in front of you so you two could go to the boys’ perfume launch.

“You don’t have to go,” he said in a flat voice, crossing his arms. You scoffed and shook your head,

“No way am I letting her win.” Harry’s girlfriend would be attending as well and it was always a competition between you two; who had better skin, better hair, better clothes. It was constantly changing but you were always sick of it.

“I don’t understand why you guys can’t be friends,” Zayn muttered, helping you up from your position on the stairs.

“Because she’s always trying to be better than me,” your annoyance was evident in your voice.

“Can’t you just give it a rest?” he groaned as he helped you into your coat.

You laughed bitterly, “So you think it’s all my fault?” Giving him no time to answer, you headed for the front door.

“Y/N wait up,” Zayn called out as you heard him grab his keys. You made it to his car, hastily opening the door and sliding in the passenger seat. Zayn frowned at you as he got in his side of the car, starting the engine.

“It’s not your fault babe,” he began to say as he backed out of the driveway, taking your hand in his as he kept the other one on the wheel, “but we both know that she’s not the only one to blame.” You groaned and kept your gaze on your intertwined hands.

“You’re right… As usual,” you flashed him a small smile. He returned it, stopping at a red light.

“It’s gonna be fine alright? Just steer clear of her.” You nodded and exhaled a deep breath, hoping this perfume launch would go smoothly.

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