the upcoming of a witch

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Maria always new she was different from the other girls at the orphanage. She never knew why, but she just did. Onetime when she was 5, a snake came inside and scare most the girls half to death, but no matter how hard ms. Venka screamed Maria had to go talk to that snake. And so she did. Maria walked up to the snake and talked to it! Now, Maria barely remembers this but she said hello to it and it said hi back!!

By the time Maria was 8 she had, turned someone's hair green, talked to a snake, floated to the roof, rode on a broom, ect. The ministry of maic had came so many times it was becoming more like a normal visit!!

but all of that would soon change. but who am I to get ahead of myself?

-time skip- sponsored by: Voldemort enterprises

"Maria?", ms.Venka said,"do you know what today is?"

"what?", Maria replied sleepily as she shielded her eyes from the sunny rays shining through her emerald-green curtains.

"july 21st, your birthday!!" july 21st wasn't actually Maria's birthday, but that was the day she showed up at the orphanage.

"wonderful.", Maria said sarcastically,"5 more minutes?" before she could say anything else she felt cold water and ice trickling down her neck,"AAAAAIIIIGGHHH!!! what the bloody 'ell was that for???!!!!"

"get up, and open your present!!!", ms.Venka yelled. she was a tall scrawny woman with short, black, greasy hair. she grabbed Maria's arm and dragged her to the floor.

"ow! oki'm coming!"

Maria hed opened her gift from ms.Venka; a silver ring with a small emerald inside of the ring,"it was with you when you showed up at the orphenage's doorstep", ms.Venka had said. it was lunchtime,and a mysterious letter was brought to Maria. when she opened it it read:

miss DiHowler,

we are delighted to inform you that you have been invited to attend Hogwarts, School For Witchcraft and Wizardry!                                                                                                                                                     please write us back if you will be able to join us this fine year.

sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                      deputy headmistress                                                                                                                                                              professor McGonagall

Maria sat wide-eyed for a momnt before asking the, abnormally tall and grizzly-haired, post-man,"how did this letter arrive sir?"

"thas' de thin' miss DerHowler, an' owl flews in an' dro's de let'er righ' in fron' o' me! paid for i' an' everythin' !!" the postman said. he was obviously flabbergasted.

Maria ran back to the tea-room and shoved the letter into ms.Venka's hand." what's this?", ms.Venka said.

"that's what i'm wondering.", Maria replied.

"it looks like mr.Fudge's  visit will have to come a bit early.", ms.Venka said, smiling slightly.

-time skip- sponsored by: Voldemort's nos- oh wait.

ms.Venka phoned Cornelius fudge, from the ministry of magic to,"come right away". fifteen minutes later, mr.Fudge arrived at the door breathless and held up his finger,"I knew this day would come!!"

he sat Maria down in the tea-room and told her all about the magival world of witchcraft, Hogwarts, the ministry, you-know-who, and lastly,Harry Potter.

"Maria, considering the fact that you're an orphaned child, I will be sending you to a place called the "Burrow". at first you will be a bit uncomfortable, but once you get to know the Weasley's you'll have a grand time!", mr.Fudge said sweetly.

Maria eyed him suspiciously,"ok. are they magical?"

Fudge laughed,"of course!"he got up and said,"now go get your things. i'll be in the car when you're ready."

Maria went to get her things and say goodbye to ms.Venka. and then she was ready to face the wizarding world.

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