Find a New Hobby

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As soon as i parked my car the next day, all my attention was thrown at the creep hiding behind a nearby tree. My brows furrowed in annoyance as i exited my car. I wasnt up for this guys bullshit early in the morning. I pulled my bag over my shoulder, locked my car; and headed over to Mr. Stallker. I could practically see the gears ticking in the guys head as he came to realize i was heading over. Before he could scurry away, I grabbed his arm, "Nah-ah-ah, where do you think you're going? Do you think this is funny?" my voice was at edge. I could feel the shorter guy trembling in my grasp.

Yoon hid his face by looking down, dark bangs in his eyes. I tilted my head, waiting for a response.

"Im not trying to get you mad.." his voice came out small. Not trying to get me mad? He has got to be kidding me. He's lucky im being a nice guy and not reporting his ass. "I just- I really want to see you every morning-" 

Was this a hobby to him? Stalk Oh Sangwoo until he notices me? What shit, "This is creepy. You're being creepy. Why cant you be normal and come say Hi to me than creeping around?" I wasnt really curious of wanting to know. Rhetorical question. But, this guy obviously didnt catch on; and answered.

"I was- I'm scared you'll dislike me or get annoyed by me-"

This is a first. Maybe because girls I know head on talk to me without knowing their risk. Do they even stop and think like this guy? Doubt themselves? My anger dissipated, loving the fact this guy was scared of the options, "So stalking was the next best thing?"

"It was better than making a complete fool of myself."

My grasp on his arm slowly let go. I slid my hands in my pockets and moved past him with ease. Yoon freaked out just like I knew he would. I didnt want to talk to him. What a creep. The conversation wasnt at all pleasant, and left a nasty taste in my mouth. I peered over my shoulder to see the smaller male looking off at a group of guys. I stopped in my tracks and looked from the guys to Yoon. He's giving the same look he gave me yesterday. The gay look. A weird strange feeling of hate welled up inside me. I suddenly wanted to go over to the group of guys, and deck every single one of them. See if Yoons creaming his pants over them now. But no, I resisted the strange temptation, huffed and continued on my way to my morning classes.

Jieun was there waiting for me. I already dealt with the twerp, dont feel like dealing with the whore next.

"Sangwoo! Are you free tonight?" The question wasnt even processed until i sat down, and she had to ask again. I blinked up at her and gave her a genuine fake smile, "Tonight? Sorry, They want me to take night shifts as well this week." I lied through my teeth. The hope in her eyes diminished and i had to hold back a smirk. Playing with her was the best part of my day. I love seeing her last hopes be stripped away by just my simple words, grasping and pulling at them until she's left with nothing but rejection. She nodded with understanding and headed back to her seat in the back. I sighed in content that she had finnaly stopped bothering me. 

My morning classes were slow. The professors lectures werent really heard. All i could think about was the awful feeling i had felt this morning. It was weird and uncommon. I asked one of my friends as a typical question and god do I regret my life decisions right now.

"Sangwoo is jealous? Does this mean- Sangwoo is totally curhsing on someone?" The group of dudes started hollering after our lecture was over. I stared in disbelief. Jealous? No way. I was beyond fucking pissed.

"I dont like anyone. I was asking for a friend of mine-"

"Sure, dude. Thats what they all say. So, who is it? Is she pretty?" gasp, "Is it Min Jieun."

The thought of even crushing on a girl like her was beyond me, "I swear to fucking god guys, if you guys make this a rumor, I will not hesitate to start knocking out teeth." I threatened them. It worked everytime and they were quick to hush themselves. I looked over to where Jieun sat with all her friends, luckily, she didnt hear me or them.

"So it is her. Dude, you guys will be the power couple in the whole campus!" one of the guys whispered a little loud. I shot him a glare and started to gather my shit. "I was just asking for a friend. Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure to tell him it was plainly jealousy." I excused myself and left. I could of stayed longer for my one last class but I wasnt up for it. As i made my way back to my car, I looked around in search of Yoon. Did he actually attend his classes like a good student would? He seemed the type to ditch his classes just stalk people. After making sure i knew he was nowhere in sight, and opened the back of my car and dropped my bag and duffel bag.

I stopped myself before slidding in my car seat. Students were starting to move to their next class in the morning or were already going home. I wondered if Yoon lived here on the campus. I never once thought of living in the mens dorms. I couldnt stand having a roommate. just thinking about them never cleaning or keeping up their hygiene had me wrinkle my nose. 

when I caught sight on Yoon, I just stared at him as he made his way to the B building. So he was actually responsible. I sighed rather annoyed by the fact this guy wasnt techinally all over me. I tried to catch his attention. Maybe if he made eye contact, he"ll come ruunning over just like all the other girls. As soon as me and him made eye contact, I knew I won. I waited for him to grin and dash over. Instead I got a totally different response. He waved with a small hesitant smile, and continued on his way. 

Was this how rejection felt.

What the fuck.

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