Your Light & My Dark

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As you know, I'm different from others. I am Hailee Woods, and I am a hunter. I work for Supernatural Killing of Darkness, also known as SKD. I've been working with this agency ever since I was born, I was raised and trained to fight and kill supernatural and human beings working with or doing dark works. I am specialized in my line of work, ranked as the highest among those before me and with me.   I love what I do and it makes me feel alot better, when I successfully complete a mission, because i'm changing the world by decreasing the evil on earth and making it a brighter place.



I hit my alarm clock and it hit the floor with a thud, but as long as it was quiet, I was happy. I groaned,rolled off my bed, and walked towards my bathroom to take a shower. An hour later, I was dressed,fed, and ready for the day, I pulled my dark brown hair into a messy bun and headed out into the head office. I walked through the the office's door and into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie and a frappechino, I walked back in and sat down in a chair across from my boss. "Hailz, how many times do I have to tell you?!?!? You can not come into my office uninvited! And STOP eating MY FOOD!!!!!" He shouted and sighed with a smile. I smiled,"You only have to remind me a gazillion times a day, and I knocked lightly but your too busy being annoying to hear me. And it's not just your food Derek, its mine too." I remarked, putting my feet on his desk and eating my cookie. He mumbled under his breath,"Anyways, what's my task for today?" I asked, excited for something to do instead of filing papers and reading books like the other people in our agency. "Today, you will be tracking a Lusion,"I grinned, this was going to be easy,"Got it." I replied, standing up. Lusions were humans but with the ability of creating an image that is not really there, I've been tracking them for awhile. I walked out the door and began attatching my belongings to my belt, my cell phone,taser,gun,cuffs,and I tied my necklace around my neck, it protects me from evil and it regenerates my strength. I ran into the transporter and seconds later I was in a forest surrounded by trees,rocks, and water, I casted my senses out and found my target ahead of me. I crouched low and brought my gun out, aimed at his head, I pulled the trigger. The Lusion fell to the ground limp, and I heard demanding shouts of anger coming towards me, I climbed up a tree and hid in it's branches, as I watched below me. "Get him! Don't let him get away!"the voices shouted, I heard the breaking of twigs beneath their feet along with the crack of leaves, and that's when I saw him. He looked frantically around him, blood smeared on his face, his eyes panicked,as he hid behind a rock below me. Unaware of my existence, he lurched forward when he heard shots fired, he looked up and we  locked eyes, before I killed the guys chasing him. After doing so, I stared at him, shocked by my actions, I looked away and began to aim my weapon at him. 'Who are you?" I asked in a deadly voice, he shook in fear and confusion, "My---my- name is---Liam." he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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