Chapter Two - J Jonah Jameson

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I walked into the large office with a good amount of trepidation

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I walked into the large office with a good amount of trepidation. I had just seen this man yell at his own photographer and threaten to not pay him unless he got better photos. I wasn't looking forward to what he could scream at me if I wasn't careful. I made a huge mental note to keep my back-talking in check for this first meeting and sat in one of the chairs across from Jameson's desk.

"Alright, welcome to the Daily Bugle all that jazz," he started gruffly, taking his own seat.
"So you're the chick who wrote the article about the criminals roaming around the world lately."

"I wouldn't call them criminals sir," I started, ignoring my previous mental note. "I think they are vigilantes who need to learn the danger they put our world in." Jameson stares at me for a few moments, one eyebrow raised.

"Whatever you call them doesn't matter, I say they are criminals!" His voice raised through the sentence and was filled with spittle. I reluctantly tried to look as submissive as possible. There was no way I was getting anywhere with him.

"Yes sir, my apologies," I muttered. He grinned.

"Goodie," Jameson said thumping a hand on his desk. "Now, I am putting you in charge of these menaces, I want an article on them everyday. I want their names plastered in our paper around the city so the people will see them for who they truly are!" I nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely, sir," I said.

"Alright now get out, Ms. Brant will get you set up with a badge and all that nonsense. Go write me articles!" I blanched at the sudden dismissal but rose from my seat all the same, walking to the door.

I closed it behind me, making eye contact with Betty still seated at her desk. She smiled understandingly at my deer in headlights expression.

"You get used to it, hun," she said, standing. She walked around her desk and to me, looping her arm through mine. "Let's get you settled in shall we?"

  "Let's get you settled in shall we?"

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The rest of my first day at the Bugle consisted of signing papers, getting my picture taken for my press badge, and setting up my cubicle. I met a few of my colleagues, but they were so stressed from meeting the evening deadline that they didn't pay much attention to me. I didn't mind though, I preferred working alone.

There were, however, five things I learned about my new boss Mr. Jameson in particular:

1) He likes to yell. A lot.
2) If he's not yelling, he's smoking his cartoonish cigar.
3) His wife calls him constantly and he doesn't care.
4) He has an astronaut son who he is very proud of and makes sure to tell everyone about.
5) He HATES Spider-Man.

I thought he just hated all superheroes, but most of his disdain was exclusively toward the masked webcrawler and he made it well known. Throughout my first day I could hear his screams across the floor, bellowing about Spider-Man.

"He's a criminal! A worthless piece of person!"

"Did you see him robbing that bank yesterday?!"


I also learned quickly not to show when he made me jump with his suddenly loud voice. The one time I did he happened to be walking behind me and resulted in him yelling straight at me: "What are you shaking for newbie, get back to work!!" I learned my lesson after that.

It was dark by the time I left the building. I tried to make my way to the nearby subway as quickly as possible because even though my mom forced me to take self defense classes before moving, I wasn't exactly jumping at the opportunity to be mugged. I knew that I was probably being ultra paranoid, but even so, I kept one hand in my pocket on my pepper spray.

While meandering my way down the sidewalk I noticed a small blue and red figure swinging in between buildings and getting closer.

Holy shit it's Spider-Man!

I fumbled quickly through my purse, cursing, hoping to locate my phone and pull it out prepared to take a video I could possibly get pictures from later. When I finally get my hand on it though, Spider-Man was already swinging right above me, through a nearby alleyway and out of sight.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed angrily. Second night in New York I see Spider-Man and I miss getting his picture??? Just my luck! Grumbling in frustration, I made my way to the subway and back to my apartment.

Pumpkin was waiting for me at his food dish when I got home. He meowed expectantly.

"Sorry baby, I know I'm home kind of late," I cooed, grabbing his dinner from the closet. I filled his bowl with the appropriate amount and flopped down on the couch.

"Ugh," I groaned. "Pumpkin, I'm not so sure about this job anymore. My boss is kind of an asshole, ya know? And I barely know anyone except for his secretary and I could hardly keep up with what she was saying she talked so fast," I rubbed my face with my hands, smearing my mascara. "I mean, I did also meet this photographer, Peter. I don't remember his last name, was it Peterson? No that's stupid, why would his parents name him Peter, then. Whatever, it doesn't matter, I think he's only freelance and sends his pictures in so I don't think I will see much of him." I leaned my head back to look at Pumpkin who was completely ignoring me and still eating his food. "Some friend you are," I mumbled.


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Author's Note:

ooOOoops did I say I would update once a week? Well here's another one early 'cuz I had it ready so why tf not right?   This updating more than once a week won't be a regular thing tho, so don't get used to it lol

Sorry I know this isn't as long as the first chapter. 😭 Forgive me! Peter comes back next chapter!

Much love!

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