Do You Believe In Me?

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Ashley doesn't knew what to do.. what does one does when he has to kick a demon out of their life? She sat there staring at her diary.. her heart was pounding like mad. She was scared.. for the first time in her life..
Jessica stood in a corner of the room staring at her sister struggling.. let her. It's all her fault.. but she couldn't resist it. She walked up to her sister and said softly:
'Everything will be alright.. lets go to HCA to find the boy.'
Ashley stared back at her, and closed her diary with excitement. Why didn't she think of that?
The little girl watched as the three of them sat in car. She walked down the pavement.
'Be good!' Ashley pretended she doesn't know about Angel's secret.
The car pulled off..
'Jack. Someone's here to see you.' Said the caretaker as the three of them walked in.
'We need to do some questions.' Jessica said softly.
The boy backed away scared.
'Calm down.. I promise I will change everything that happened.' Ashley said guilty for what she had done.
'Then she turned into a demon. Then the demons came and locked her up for not killing me already. I mistakenly killed the part in her that saved my life.. the human part. The part for her to care -' he broke up and cried miserably. Then started again.
'Then I ran and the people kept me here. Forever. Do you believe in me?'
'We do.' They all whispered and took the boy with them. But to a different resort. Was it a mistake? They didn't knew the girl was standing there, watching from behind.

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