Chapter Six - The Prince's Adventure

Start from the beginning

'Definitely stronger than dad,' Matt said, and Sam relayed the information back to his mum.

'You be good, you do everything dad or the others tell you and you give Wunny Babbit a big hug if you miss me, okay?' Maisie said, kissing Sam on the head.

'I'm gonna go on the boat!' Sam cried, and Matt picked him up and handed him over to Gabe who was already on the deck of the Integrity.

Maisie waved a last goodbye as the boat took to the water, and Sam ran up and down the deck excitedly, looking ridiculous in his big red life jacket.

'Bye Mummy!' he called, waving. He watched until she vanished from view, then went to sit with Grampa Billy who let him steer the boat.


Their first sign that Sam was truly a city kid was the look on his face when he saw the mud of their beach.

'Uncle Gabe, can you carry me?' he whispered gently, and Gabe lifted the child up on to his shoulders with ease.

'Now Sammy, remember you can't wander off while you're here, okay?' Bam warned him. 'You don't want to get eaten by a bear.'

'Like Pooh Bear?' Sam asked in his chirpy voice.

'He'll be fine, Bam,' Matt said quickly. 'Don't worry about the bears Sammy, they stay away.'

The group of nine and a half made their way towards Browntown, Sam asking half a million questions on the way. When he saw the house for the first time, he patted Gabe's shoulders in excitement.

'Wow!' he yelled loudly, much to the amusement of the rest of the family. 'How did this get out here??'

'We built it all by ourselves,' Birdy said proudly.

'Look Sam, that's Uncle Bear's treehouse!' Matt pointed out.

'Can I go up there?' Sam asked excitedly.

'If you ask Uncle Bear very nicely,' Matt replied.

Matt had never felt so nervous about another persons safety until he was watching Bear piggyback Sam up to the treehouse.

'Be careful Bear,' he called, shoving his hands in his pockets to stop from fidgeting.

'We'll be fine Bam,' Bear replied with a grin. Down on the ground, Bam huffed, and Matt felt that prickle of irritation at being likened to his over protective younger brother.

'Daddy! You look like a tiny ant down there!' Sam called, peeking over the edge of Bear's treehouse.

'Just hold on, your mum will kill me if you fall down and break something,' he added to himself.

'Why don't you show him where he can put his things?' Ami suggested. 'You two can stay in the downstairs bed.'

'That's if Bear doesn't kill him on the way down,' Matt moaned, running his hand through his salt and pepper curls. If this stress kept up he'd lose the pepper and just go full salt.

'Oh nonsense,' Ami said with a smile. 'Children are designed to survive new parents, Matt.'

'We raised you on the idea that if you fell, you'd bounce. And hopefully learn a lesson,' Billy added.

Matt nearly toppled over as his son collided with his legs.

'Daddy! I could see Mummy from all the way up there!' he said with wide glittering eyes.

Matt was lost for a moment because those were not Maisie's lovely, almond shaped green eyes. They were his, wide and round and impossibly blue.

'Uh... right. How did she look?' he recovered.

Sam put his hand on his chin while he thought for a moment, making the Browns laugh.

'Pretty,' Sam decided.

'Your mummy is very pretty,' Matt said, holding out his hand.

'It's okay Daddy, you're pretty too.'

Matt grinned. 'Thanks buddy.'


Sam snuggled up close to him, not used to the bitter cold of the bush. Matt had covered him in as many blankets as they could spare, hoping that he didn't suffocate in the middle of the night.

'Remember you need to wake up Daddy if you need to use the bathroom,' Ami told Sam quietly before tucking him into bed.

'I will,' Sam replied.

'There's usually someone outside by the fire, but make sure you wake up your Dad first.'

Sam was asleep in minutes, holding tight to Wunny Babbit and drooling a little on the pillow.

Matt thought he could never love anyone more than he loved this kid.

'More Sammy,' he muttered, before drifting off to sleep himself.


Just a short one, but the next one will be super fun! Until next time
xx Lazybug

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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