Louis Tomlinson the Beginning

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Do you ever just sit in silence wondering why and I here? This is what it was like for Louis Tomlinson. He just sits in silence wondering why he's here in the world. Thinking he's worth nothing to nobody. Being tortured by the demons in the real world and the demons inside him. Being told one thing one day another thing the next.

Louis Tomlinson was abandon at 5 months old. When Louis was 9 he was adopted by two horrible people. Simon Cowell and his wife Jenna Cowell. Ever since he came to that home. Let's not call it a home; it's hell. Home of hell on earth. But like I said ever since he came to that place he's been abused. Mentally,physically, and emotionally.
No matter how much he cried and pleaded; it never stopped. When Louis started school he hoped for an escape from hell but no he was met with another hell. He was called such things; told to do go die on multiple occasions. When Louis tried to be himself. His true self; that only made things worse for him.

Fast forward to Louis at 16 years old. When he thinks nobody could love him or treat him with respect. That's until he was met with green eyes.

Author Note:

Hope you enjoy. Also when I am writing this story there will be characters used as bullies. I will be using the rest of 1D boys some other famous people and some made up as well. Hope you enjoy ~ J

Next chapter will be here soon

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