Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion

Start from the beginning

"What about them?" Hermione asked, taking a seat at the desk that she forced Tom to buy.

"Just, to stay away from them and as close to any of us as possible" Bella sighed.  "And wear your necklace"

"Mum, My dad is the dark lord" Hermione said, bored of the conversation "I doubt they will do anything to me"

"Don't be so confident" Bella growled through gritted teeth, already sick of her daughters attitude "You are also my daughter, they will try something."

Hermione rolled her eyes again.

"Hermione" Bella warned again "I wouldn't. Now where's your necklace?"

"Dunno, last time i saw it was the battle, gave it to Draco" Hermione shrugged, inspecting her wand "Still have the matching earrings though"

Bella inhaled and pinched the bridge of her nose

"Hermione, I am warning you for the last time, if you don't stop with this attitude, i swear to merlin....." She said. Hermione narrowed her eyes at her but didn't say anything. Narcissa looked between the duo and decided to step in again. She calmly walked towards the door and then yanked it open.

"DRACO" She yelled, her voice echoed around the Malfoy Manor. Bella let out a scared shriek and fell of the bed. Draco was there within a few seconds.

"Yes mother?" He panted, clearly out of breath from running

"Where is your cousins necklace, you had it last" She said, placing her hands on her hips. Draco furrowed his eyebrows as he thought back to the previous week. After a few seconds her groaned loudly and face palmed.

"Its in my room at Hogwarts" He groaned "I stuffed it under the floorboards, I forgot"

"Its fine" Bella said from her position on the floor  "You can just go to collect it"

"How? Aunt Bella i cant apparate " Draco rolled his eyes. Promting Bella to frown and flop on her back, so still on the floor.

"Why has everyone got an attitude on with me today?" She exclaimed to no one.

"Aunt Cissy is technically not a death eater, she hasn't got the dark mark, she can apparate in and out of Hogwarts grounds, she cant actually go in unless she walks in, Normal death eaters, with the mark, will be sent flying because of the wards but Snape might have changed things from becoming headmaster" Hermione informed them, Bella shot right back up hearing this information.

"That could have been extremely useful!" She exclaimed "Why didn't anyone realise that?!" Everyone ignored her. Narcissa turned back to her son and held out her arm.

"Come one, we haven't got all day" She said exasperated "We need to be back soon, Bella tell Tom and Lucius where we have gone" and they then disappeared.Bella immediately stood and slammed the door and turned to her daughter, hands on her hips.

"You do realise that today is really important to me and Cissy don't you?" Bella said "What is with the attitude? Especially today of all days"

"Nothing" Hermione muttered "I don't know what you are talking about"

"Hermione Andi Riddle" Bella growled causing Hermione to cringe, Her parents never used her full name, now she must really be in trouble. "Drop the attitude, today is an important day, we are laying my cousin to rest and you are not going to ruin it, thats reserved for Cygnus and Druella" And with that Bella turned and stormed out of the room.

Hermione felt tears prick her eyes and quickly wiped them away. The only reason she has got a bad attitude is because she doesn't know how to cope. She didn't mean to anger or hurt her mother. She put the earrings in and slowly walked out of the room. She met her parents in the lounge, and immediately noticed her father glaring at her, Hermione guessed that Bella filled him in about what just happened. She looked down at the floor and shuffled herself towards the free chair.

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