Chapter 2

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I never really understood the term of "liking someone" until I met Elijah. He was and is noble, and very sweet. The way he looked when he was apologizing for changing my clothes was just...cute. He saved me and I couldn't be more thankful for him. I started to run the water while I stripped out of Elijah's clothes. Folding them up, I stepped into the steaming shower. Letting the hot water wash over my body, I tried to push the memories of the previous night out of my mind. The more I tried to forget, the more images came. After 12 hours, I finally broke. Crumbling to the shower floor, I began to cry. How could they do this to me? My only family was slaughtered trying to protect me, and I just let it happen. God, why was I so dumb, and stupid to think I could out run him and finally live in peace. After awhile, the water turned cold. Shutting it off, I grabbed the towel on the hook and wrapped it around my body. On the counter were clothes with a little note. I picked up the note and I smiled. The note read: Some of my sister's clothes. They should fit. -E

The fact he brought me clothes was sweet, but it made me wonder, how much had he heard? Dressing quickly, I rushed downstairs.

" Elijah?"

" Nope, Elijah went out love. It is just you and me."

Sitting on the couch was his brother Klaus. Klaus, much like his brother was very sweet. Well I had only known them for about 12 hours. While I was lost inside my mind, Klaus came to where he was trapping me against the wall. He put two fingers underneath my chin, and lifted my head to where he locked my eyes in his gaze.

" Looking into your eyes, I can see what my brother sees in you. While standing here all I can hear is your heart beating."

His eyes started to go red and the veins underneath his eyes were visible. He pushed my hair over my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and just stared. He opened his mouth to reveal pin sharp fangs. I closed my eyes as I felt the fangs pierce my silk, white skin. I could feel the blood draining from my body. My knees started to go weak and I held onto Klaus for support. His hands were on my hips holding me to the wall. Suddenly, Klaus was pushed to the side and hit the floor. Elijah stood in front of me and had his hand on my waist.

" Niklaus, what are you doing????"

" Oh, like you don't want to feed on her."

" In all honesty, I do. But I won't force her. I will let it be her choice. If she will let me feed from her, Nik."

Elijah turned his body around and looked at me. His eyes were red just like his brother's. The veins under his eyes were slowly disappearing. He tried to walk away from me but I grabbed his forearm and stopped him.

" Jess, please don't look at me."

I put my hand to his face.

" Elijah, don't. Even like this, you're still perfect to me."

He lifted his eyes and locked on mine. He smiled and I returned it while the butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. He leaned in closer and I finally joined our lips. He brushed his hand over my cheek and held my face. His other hand rested on my hip. My hand was resting at the nape of his neck. Elijah backed me into a wall as we continued to kiss. Finally after what seemed like hours, I broke the kiss. He pecked my lips again.

" Well since you two are being...ugh, I'm going out for a drink." Klaus stated

We both just laughed at how childish he was being. After Klaus left, Elijah went to the kitchen leaving me in the living room. When I started to walk forward, black spots crowded my vision. And one more step and the black consumed me.

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