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~ two hours later ~
It was a long drive, I never drove so far away from my place ever, it felt like forever.
Two weeks before I had called this work place where I'm planning to work, I made a phone call for a job interview and to see if they would accept me or not, I really wanted to start working, i don't know why I had this feeling to work but I just did for some random reason because I never worked in my life before. Even though they wouldn't accept me to work there I would still keep looking for another work place.
I arrived at the city it was huge and the buildings were so tall and wow everything was so busy, so many people, cars, traffic, trains, buses, it was very noisy, which I thought to myself, I'm probably never gonna get used to this.
~15 minutes later~
I arrived at my destination, it was a very big building with tons of people going in and out of it. I found a parking spot and payed for it, I grabbed all my documents and everything I needed to present to them. I was nervous but excited at the same time.
I walked inside and asked someone if they knew were was Mr.Johnson's office, he told me, yes of course I'm actually going over there right now, I smiled gently and said great then can I go with you? I have a job interview with mr.johnson, he smiled back and said yes follow me dear.
I went into the elevator which was packed, it was a very busy place. 2 minutes passed and everyone was quiet, I turned around and asked the man who was helping me. Umm sir?
He answered, yes dear?
Which floor is mr.johnson's office on?
He responded and said ohh sorry it's on the 15th floor, ohh ok thank you sir.
I turned around in shock and thought to myself, wow 15th floor? That's like 5 more floors to go.
We arrived at the 15th  floor, everyone got out first because I was on the left side behind someone else and the man helping me was behind me, he tapped on my shoulder and said,
Hey dear I'm sorry but I'm in a rush and can't take you with me but the office number is 1526, I smiled at him and said thank you very much sir. He walked out and everyone else left, I stepped out being the last one to leave and as I walked out looking for the office number, few moments later this man bumps into me dropping all of the papers he had in his hand.
I stood still standing in shock as he kept apologizing, I told him ohh it's fine * I giggled slightly*  I helped him pick up few papers that were on the ground, I passed them to him and started to walk away. He told me, no wait
I turned around, I'm in a rush I have to go sorry, I felt a hand grab my arm and pulled me towards him, not to close neither too far. I looked at him in his dark brown eyes as he looked at me too, I immediately reacted and pushed him slightly.
Ummm what do you want?
*He answered*
Nothing I-I just
You just what? I answered
I wanna know where you are going and what you are doing? Because if you need any help I'm here for you. *he smiled gently at me*
Ohh thank you that's very sweet of you, well this is my first time in the city ever, and I'm here for a job interview and after I finish this job interview I'm gonna look for a new apartment.
*He answered*
Ohh so you're moving to the city?
*i answered*
Yes I'm trying a different life style because I'm bored of being in my home which I have been living in for so long, you know I wanted to try out something new *i laughed slightly*  well can I ask you something?
* he answered*
What is your name?
*he answered *
Tom is my name you can call me Thomas if you want, and you're?
Ciara is my name, well I need to get going tom.
Okay then but if he doesn't accept you, you can come and work with me, we've been wanting to hire someone for the last 3 months and no one has been interested, so if you want you can come with me. * he smiled gently *
I blushed a little because he was so sweet with me for some reason.
Aww thank you Tom that's so sweet of you I'll keep it in mind. We said our goodbyes and I walked away, I turned to my left and saw the number 1526,
Yes here it is,
I entered inside and at the front desk a lady smiled at me and told me hello how can I help you?
Umm I have a job interview with mr.Johnson,
Ohhh yes you're Ciara right?
Yes I am ma'am,
Follow me this way she said,
* I followed her*
Okay here we are just wait inside and I'll let him know you're here,
*i smiled*
Thank you ma'am
I waited for 15 minutes and he finally entered the room.
Hello hello mrs. Ciara
Hello sir,
* he sat on his chair and grabbed a pen and paper *
Okay so let's get to the point, what's your age?
I am 22 turning 23 in a month
Alright what's your address?
*I gave it to him*
Umm let's see, okay what's the reason you wanna work and why?.
Because I want to distract myself with something and i've been living in this place like two hours away from here, ever since I was 13 years old, I never worked before but I have been living with my sister before I moved in on my own, and I was helping her with a lot of things, like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, washing our horses, you know everyday doings. But I've been so bored in my home that I decided to move to the city to start a new life and start making money of my own.
*he kept listening to me*
-mr.Johnson- okay that's all?
Yes pretty much
-mr.Johnson- so the only reason is because you want to make money?
No also because I want to help other people and you know work to distract myself from something, I've never worked before and I'm 22 years old, don't you think it's time to start working?
-mr.Johnson- well yes you should've started a long time ago.
He was very rough and a bit unkind but I didn't really care, all I wanted was the job and that's it.
*i frowned a bit*
He looked at few papers and handed out few to me and told me to sign.
*i sighed all of them and gave it back to him*
-mr.Johnson- okay I'll call you tomorrow at 8am to tell you if you are accepted or not.
But you didn't tell me what I will work as?
-mr.Johnson- I don't have to tell you that yet, I will tomorrow, be patient and wait until the time comes.
* he reached his hand out and I shaked it *
-mr.Johnson- talk to you later bye now.
* I smiled gently* goodbye sir!
I walked out and the lady that was upfront told me,
Bye sweetie see you later
*i waved back and smiled, walking out of the place, as I walked out I looked around to see if I could find Tom and no sigh of him at all, I looked down sadly and walked towards the elevator*
-tom- hey!! Wait up
I turned around and laughed a bit because he looked so funny. * he came up close to me breathing heavily for some reason * hey you alright Tom?
-tom- yeah I'm fine, what happened in there?.
I don't really know what happened, he said he was gonna call me tomorrow to give me a response, but he was kind of unkind which I didn't like at all.
-tom- ooo he's pissed that his mama didn't make him breakfast today
* I laughed loudly and pushed him on the shoulder *
Haha don't be silly Tom.
-tom- what? It's the truth * I laughed as well* .
So um aren't you supposed to be working?
-tom- it's my break time, wanna go have lunch? .
-tom- right around the corner of the building at a coffee shop, I always go there.
Okay then, thank you Tom. *we got out of the building and it was bit chilly, I was shivering because I was only wearing a dress without no sweater or anything, Tom looked at me and took off his jacket and gave it to me.
-tom- here you go dear, cuddle up nice and warm in there.
Thank you Tom, where is this coffee shop?
-tom- here hold my arm and I'll take you there.
*tom was a total stranger to me but I felt like we were already friends because he is so sweet with me and is giving me so much attention, I didn't know if he was doing all of that for something in exchange or because he liked me or because he wanted a friend or I don't really know but, I thought he was extremely handsome and such a gentleman. Early when he pulled me from my arm and I ended up very close to him, I felt something inside which I have never felt before, I didn't know what it was but I liked it. We entered in the coffee shop and this man shouted.* Hey Thomas, where have you been buddy?.
-tom-  where have I been? Where have you been for the last 2 weeks?.
Ohh I was on vacation with kacy, and who's this girl you're with?
-tom-  Ciara darling let me present you to David my best coffee buddy * I laughed *.
* my heart shipped a beat when he told me darling, I don't know why but i think what I was feeling towards him was love or crushing. I giggled *
Haha coffee buddy. * I shook David's hand and smiled * nice to meet you David.
-David- nice to meet you too Ciara. Well okay so what are you two gonna order?.
-tom- I'll have a matcha latte with cream and don't make it to sweet because last time someone who works here made it and it was very sweet, and I'll also get a toasted bagel with cream cheese.
-David- and for the lady?
I'll have a hot pumpkin spiced cider with a blueberry muffin.
-David- alright the total is 15.38$
*I handed out some cash and gave it to Tom*
-tom-  what is this?
I'll pay for my stuff tom.
-tom- no Ciara are you crazy? No you're trying to find a job and I'm not gonna accept you to give me any money, thank you but no.
Ohh tom it's just 6 dollars for my order.
-tom- 6 dollars is 6 dollars Ciara, no please i invited   you here and I will pay.
Okay okay tom if you insist * I giggled at how insisted he was *
-David- haha he's always this way.
-tom- David shut up * I smiled a bit *
-David- ohh wow I'm just teasing you tom.
* i laughed at how they were teasing each other. Tom payed for everything and walked to one of the tables to sit down * what we're not gonna wait for the order?
-tom- no they will bring it to us.
* as I was about to sit down tom stand up quickly and grabbed the chair so I could sit down, before I sat he pulled the chair little bit towards the table and I sat * ohh what a gentleman, thank you tommy * I said it in a flirty way, smiled and sat down *
-tom- so what did he exactly tell you?.
I don't know if he's gonna accept me or not because he didn't seem so excited, in the beginning when he entered in the room he was smiling, but after I started telling him why I wanted the job he became unkind for some reason, I'm sure he's gonna say no tomorrow. * I looked down sadly and tom grabbed my chin and raised it *
-tom- hey, don't be sad everything's gonna be alright, like I said if he doesn't give you the job then I'll talk to my boss and convince him to give you the job.
* he smiled and winked at me, I grabbed his hand and put it down on the table caressing it gently *
Thank you so much for this tom, I don't know what I'll repay you with but I will.
-tom- it better not be money for sure darling * I smiled * .
So how will I repay you?
-tom- the time will come don't worry Ciara.
* I didn't know what he meant by that but if it was what I was thinking then I would be very happy. I smiled at him *
-tom- Ciara?.
Yes tom?
-tom- I don't want to seem like a total creep but!.
But what?
-tom- you're so beautiful Ciara, I swear I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you!.
* I stood in shock as my heart shipped a beat, I couldn't believe he actually told me that, I have to admit I was slowly catching feelings for him *.
Really you think like that tom?
-tom- yes Ciara I don't want to sound creepy but yes you're so beautiful.
* he caressed my cheek *
A-and you're so freaking handsome Thomas * I winked and pinched his nose *
-tom- well we both feel the same way then haha.
Yes we do.
* I didn't know what else to say so I stayed in silence as a girl came with our order *
Matcha latte and toasted bagel with cream cheese? 
-tom- yes here, thank you kacy.
* Tom was dead serious with her and it made me laugh a little because guys would usually be flirty with almost every girl, but not tom *
Pumpkin spiced cider with blueberry muffin?
Here, Thank you kacy * I repeated and smiled at her since tom didn't, she left and tom shoved right into his latte*.
Is it good tom?
-tom- yes why?
Because I don't really like this * I laughed slightly*
-tom- wanna switch?
You would?
-tom- yes of course darling.
* I passed my cider to him and he passed his latte to me *
Thank you tommy
-tom- no problem ciary.
* I laughed at his answer *
-tom- it's okay because I've tried this a million of times and it isn't my favorite but I still can handle it   Haha. So what you're gonna do after this?.
* I smiled as I took a sip of my drink *
Well now I gotta look for a god damn apartment, it's gonna take me forever because every single one is so expensive.
-tom- well I know we just met each other today Ciara but I already consider you my best friend, do you?.
Yes of course i do tom you're so amazing with me.
-tom- so I live here in the city and I bought a apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, because I moved from England with my buddy Harrison into the apartment, but he recently moved out into his own apartment he bought with his girlfriend, and there's one empty room with a bed and blankets and everything, there's also one empty bathroom, you know I don't wanna move again or rent it to no one, so I was wondering if you would like to come and move there until you find your own place. for free of course, I'm not gonna charge you.
What tom? You would do that for me?!
-tom- of course if you don't have any place to go or to sleep then come with me please, I insist, so what do you say?.
You don't mind at all?
-tom- no not at all.
Omg then yes * I stand up from my chair and gave him a big hug * thank you so much for this tom, I appreciate it so much.
-tom- * I stayed in shock as she hugged me so tightly but I liked it * well I don't have the copy of the keys here because it's always in my apartment ever since my buddy moved, but I'll give you my keys and when I come back after work you can open the door for me, you can look for the other set of keys in the empty room which was Harrison's room. You can pack all your things in and make yourself at home likes it's yours * I winked at her and handed out the keys *.
* I smiled brightly as I couldn't believe what was actually happened, it's like a guardian angel was sent from above to provide me with everything I needed, a job and now a apartment? I was so happy *.
Thank you so much Tom I will repay you one day even though it isn't money. * I grabbed his hand and caressed it gently, he grabbed my hands too and also started caressing it *
-tom- your hands are so soft.
* I blushed little bit and smiled * and yours are so.. * I stayed silent and laughed *
-tom- mine are so what?.
Nothing. * I giggled *
-tom- tell me bad Girl * I giggled as well * .
Nothing tom never mind * I laughed at how worried he looked *.
-tom- alright then you win.
* kacy comes at our table *
-kacy- everything is fine here?
Yes, actually I would like you to wrap this muffin for me.
-kacy- okay, and for you Thomas?.
-tom- no I'm fine thanks.
-kacy- alright then I'll be back with your muffin Ciara.
* I smiled and looked at tom as he was eating his bagel, I was surprised at how little he was eating for lunch. He takes one last bite *
-tom- alright ready to go darling?.
Not yet silly she still didn't bring my muffin * I laughed *.
-tom- oops sorry my bad.
It's okay Tom don't feel guilty * I was holding my laugh, he looked at me and squinted his eyes *
-Tom- ummm you're a little teaser aren't you?.
* I let go of my laugh* yes just like you haha.
-Tom- alright teaser let's get going now.
* he said as kacy came with my muffin *
-kacy- here you go, have a nice day you two .
Thanks. Alright let's go tom. * tom said goodbye to David and so did I and we walked out of the shop, it started to rain heavily *
-Tom- Ciara where is your car?.
In a parking garage, it's like 2 blocks away why?
-Tom- nothing just go take this
* he gave me his umbrella, jacket and a little paper were his address was written on*
-Tom- I'll see you later, around 5pm I gotta go now, bye darling.
* he gave me a kiss on the cheek and I was like what the hell?  Did he just do that? I didn't say anything of course *
Okay bye Tom see you later, thank you for this again. * I smiled and he left *
~ I was all alone by myself again, I felt lonely for some reason like I had just spent like 30/40 minutes with a total stranger but I felt like I was dealing with him for years, I walked down the two blocked and payed the guy were my car was parked, I jumped in my car and headed to his apartment.
~ 20 minutes later ~
I was surprised at how big was the city that everything was minutes away and if I wouldn't have a car I'd be lost by now, but I arrived at his apartment building, I looked around and the building looked quite expensive but I didn't know how it looked inside, I parked my car where it said residents only, I got out and went into the lobby. There came a man up to me as I was going to the elevator without telling him anything.

Wow wow hold it there madam.

*He grabbed me by the arm roughly and it hurt*
Hey! Watch out sir.

Sorry ma'am but can I have your name please?.

I'm Ciara tom's friend, I'm moving in here and first I want to look around the place, can you please let me go sir? He gave me permission to move in.

Ahh I see before you go to his apartment I need to call him and reassure if everything is alright.

* i stayed standing there kinda pissed at how he wasn't trusting me but I just waited until tom told him everything *

Hello? Tom?

-Tom- yes? Francesco is that you?

Yes Thomas, umm there's a lady here who is saying that you allowed her to move into your apartment and she has your keys and everything, do you know this woman?

-Tom- yes of course I do, I allowed her to move it.

Ohh okay then just wanted to be sure, thank you Tom and sorry for interrupting your work.

-Tom- that's fine, bye.

Okay you can go now sorry for all of that.

Yeah you better be sorry
I left angry because I didn't like the way he treated me.

{ hey sorry if it's such a long chapter but I just had so much in mind. Hope you all like it, if you do then please dm me and tell me what you think, my Instagram account is Vanessa.abi.16 so feel free to dm me there if possible. }!!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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