Love Was Just Pretend?

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Michael's POV

It was always that day that I remembered when my lips caressed against her sweet mouth. It would always appear in my mind when I saw her. My insides yearned for her, but I was only pushed away. IRL we were best friends, but I wanted so much more.

It was the summer of 1986 and I was loving life. Working on my new album was very, very time consuming, but a couple more times in the studio and my work would be complete.
My life and career seemed to be at its peak, but my love life wasn't. I had my eyes on a beauty for a long time and I really wanted her. With all honesty, Rose enjoyed me as a bro. I wasn't anything else to her. When we were little, I always would catch myself staring at her for the longest. We met when we were 16 years old. Me and my brothers were always traveling, but during school time, she had my attention. I'm in my adult years now and I wanted to claim her and finally confess to my love to her, but she refused to be single for any amount of time.

Every time I wanted to even let her know or throw hints, I would choke up or she would reveal to me about her latest boyfriend. I was going on tour at the beginning of the new year so I wanted to spend as much time with her that I could, including my family.

Yes of course, we had a CLOSE relationship, but I knew that she wouldn't give me the time of day. Knowing rose for 13 years was great, but if we wanted to be lovers, I feel like it would have already happened. We never gave it a try: and I was willing to now.

With a pep in my step, I knew that it was time for me to go to the studio. My head was cloudy with thoughts of her and I needed to release some magic into my music.

Rose's POV

At times in my life, I wondered why I put myself in predicaments when I knew what the outcome would be. I would fall for a guy and then get my heart broken. It was a never stopping cycle. In all honesty, the only guy that made me feel safe in his presence was my best friend Michael. Our friendship means so much to me, so when a man hurt me deeply, I would run to Michael. It was the situation that I currently wanted to do.

Cameron was my current situation. We had taken each other's virginity so above anyone else, some of my soul still belonged with him. He knew how to properly care for my body. He knew what my insides felt like. He knew that my love for him ran deep. His actions never showed it though.

As much as I loved him or thought I did, he never was concerned with me. How could I be in a relationship and the guy not even be worried about my well being? There were plenty of times where I felt like he didn't care and I found myself wanting to give up ALL the time. We have a deep, emotional connection, but when it came to the point of explaining to him when I needed from him, he would get an attitude. He never wanted to listen to me.

How could my heart be in the hands of a dumbass?

Put aside all my feelings, I was supposed to meet Michael in the studio. I knew that it was time for us to catch up since it had been a few days since we talked.

As I jumped in my jeep, I stuck the key in the ignition and left my drive way. Cruising down the road left me singing to my one of my favorite tunes. Drifting off in la la land, I look up and I've arrived to the studio. Getting out, I adjusted my pants and walked in the double doors.

Running up the steps lead me to the hallway in which I knocked on the door. The door swung open and those pearly whites smiled back at me. I grinned.

"Hey, baby. How are you? I missed you Mikey"

"I missed you too RoRo" he chuckled.

As he grinned, we dove in for a hug.

"So what are we working on today? What can I assist with?" I asked.

We always joked that I would become his manager one day. He was always such a perfectionist at things and it made me happy when I saw him accomplish his goals in his music.

"Wellll...." he began staring at me in a manner in which was different. His big eyes began staring lustfully into mine and I began feeling moist. This wasn't normal because we're ONLY friends.

The atmosphere and vibe began feeling so much different than it normally was. Why I wonder?

With a nervous sigh and pinch of the tip of his nose, he stood up and grabbed my hand. I became nervous because I was so afraid of what he might say.

Michael's POV

It was time. At least I could give it a try....

"Roro, I have something to confess. Ever since we were 16 years old, I've been in love with you. I wish I would have told you when I first began feeling something, but our friendship might have not been what it is today. The way you hold you mouth when you smile, the way you tuck your curls behind your ear when you're nervous, the way you tell me about your soul..... the way you're simply you. I know this might be weird coming from me, but I couldn't take it anymore... I had to explain to you the way I was feeling because I can't keep seeing men hurt you and treat you the way you do when you're worth so much more.. Will you give me the chance to show you?"

With a long, long silence, she stared into my slightly watery eyes and she almost looked and felt empty. Her intense eyes looked only empty as they looked down....

Would she dismiss me?.....

"Michael, you can't love me. Loving me can be the hardest thing in the world. I'm so broken inside. Love is pretend anyway, its just the adrenaline rush that we get when someone seduces us with lies." ..... these words came from her lips.

.....I knew I should have kept my mouth shut.


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