100 Things To Do Before I Die - (Long Niall One Shot)

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Okay, so you will need tissues at the ready, I was crying just writing this, but here you go J

‘Okay, so on three we jump yeah?’ Tammy asked me. I shook my head smiling. ‘You’re crazy!’ I said as I looked downwards, the blue green sea lapped against the base of the cliff. ‘I don’t care, it will be another thing crossed off my list yeah?’ I shrugged, she squeezed my hand, I squeezed it back, reassuring her, although this was her idea, I could tell she was nervous, she hated heights and water. ‘Three... Two... One!’ She said, we both leapt forward, our feet leaving the rough edge of the rock before a couple of seconds later, plunging into the freezing sea. My head went under the water, my hand still tightly around Tammy’s. I resurfaced, pushing my blonde hair out of my eyes. I smiled at Tammy who was grinning madly. ‘I did it Niall!’ she said excitedly, but then the fear set in, her teeth began to chatter, I pulled her arms over my shoulders so she was resting against my back, I swam the short distance back to the shore. We both flopped down on the sand beside the bags we had left on the secluded beach. Tammy rummaged in her bag and pulled out her notebook, crossing off number 38 on her list. She smiled to herself before passing the notebook to me ‘only 14 things left Nialler!’ She said before flopping down and resting her head on her rolled up towel. I glanced down the list, checking over the last 20 wishes on her bucket list:

·         Sneak out at night without telling anyone

·         Watch a beautiful sunrise

·         Buy something ridiculously overpriced just for fun

·         Stay up all night with a friend just talking about anything and everything

·         Have that one special person treat me like a princess

·         Raise £200 for people with cancer like me

·         Randomly redecorate my room without permission

·         Meet a celebrity

·         Be tweeted by Katy Perry

·         Order everything off a menu

·         Be a stylist for a day

·         Make another person’s dream come true

·         Spend a night under the stars

·         Go outside during a storm

I sighed, I could feel the tears that wanted to stream down my face, but I didn’t let them. Tammy never cried about her illness, I wasn’t about to; she didn’t want people to treat her differently so I wouldn’t. ‘Come on, we need to get back home now,’ I said, picking up my hoodie and pulling it on over my head. Tammy stood up and pulled on her baggy navy shirt over her white bikini top before putting on her denim shorts and brushing her hair out of her eyes. I picked up her bag along with my own and she wrapped her towel around her shoulders, still shivering at the cold Irish weather. We got back to my brother’s car. ‘Ready to go back?’ Greg asked me. I nodded and opened the door, allowing Tammy to get in before putting the bags in the boot and climbing in next to her, hugging her to warm her up. Greg turned on the radio, it was Chasing Cars. I sang along softly as Tammy fell asleep. I just wished she could know how I felt about her and how relevant this song was.

Tammy’s POV

A slight knocking woke me up from my sleep. I opened my eyes lazily and pushed back my duvet, walking over to my window. I opened the curtains, Niall was sat on the branch of the tree next to my window. I glanced at the clock, it was midnight. I opened the window, the cold wind making goosebumps rise on my arms. ‘What are you doing Nialler?!’ I asked. He put his hand in his pocket and retrieved my notebook. ‘I came to give this back and to cross off numbers 56, 89 and 4 on your list. I glanced down the page, skimming over the wishes already crossed out and taking numbers 56, 89 and 4 into consideration:

100 Things To Do Before I Die - (Long Niall One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now