VII: A Plan Changed

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I stood before Aelis that night, my heart pounding. "I have a secret," I tell her. "The wedding is being delayed a day."

"What?" She's confused.

"The wedding isn't happening on the morrow. I don't know why, but they're delaying it a day. Nobody else knows, and if Lord Bennet know I'm telling you he'll be furious!"

"How does that affect our plan?"

I shake my head. "It doesn't. In fact," I spread my face in a smile, "you deserve a day off. After all the work you've done, and the life you're about to have, you deserve it!"

Aelis smiles, a little hesitantly. "You're sure? There's still work to be done..."

I cut her off. "All of our preparation has been completed, Aelis. You won't be needed until the feast on the overmorrow, and if Lord Bennet wonders where you are, I'll tell him you're doing something for me. Please- you shall wish you had accepted my offer, if you do not."

Silence from her as she contemplates.

"Go to the brook for the day, the spot with the willows. It seems as though it'll be warm and sunny tomorrow, and a swim would be a good way to relax. Besides, it's sheltered and most people don't know it's there."

I can see she likes the idea. "How did you know about the willow grove and the brook?"

"Jacob took me there, a few days ago, to go over my letters. He was tired of being in the castle on a sunny day."

"He used to take me there too." Her eyes sparkle with the memory. 

"And he will many more times in your life together," I smile, lying through my teeth. "But you will relish the time alone tomorrow."

She smiles and sighs. "All right. I may visit my mother as well."

"That sounds to be an excellent idea." I suddenly see my mother again. I see her long fingers working the loom, threading wool in brilliant colours through the tapestry over and over. I miss her, suddenly, but then remember the softness of the tapestries here, and the cold I will never feel again. Her image vanishes. 

"Go out as early as you wish. I will dress myself when I wake."

Aelis smiles, and I feel bad for betraying her like this. "And what of your hair?" she teases.

"I figure it will be a mess, but I will make do," I laugh, joking along with her.

She embraces me. "Thank you, Ida, for everything you're doing to help me."

My heart twitches. "Of course," I reply, embracing her in return. 

If only she knew why I was sending her away. She'll not forgive me all her days. 


I do not sleep that night. I toss and turn, feeling great remorse- but not enough to change. My full belly and clean hands remind me of that.

The dawn comes, bright and clear, and I crawl out of bed. It is strange to wake alone- the first and likely only time I would ever do so. In my childhood I had Mother, in recent weeks I had Aelis, and from this day...

I dress myself with shaking hands. The gown is a new one, green silk and gold trim, and it settles heavily on my shoulders as it does my heart. I was supposed to dress Aelis in it. It was fitted to her- she's the one who made it in the first place! And it's lucky we are close to the same size, but the dress strains a bit over my shoulders and does not bend quite properly over my elbows. 

I fashion my hair into two braids and look out the window. It is hardly dawn, the servants have just awoken, and I see a golden- headed figure race out the servant's door below me and dart into the field. She disappears over the crest of the hill towards the brook, and I smile- the bundle she was carrying seems to have had food in it, so it appears she will  be there all day. She will likely return at sunset, by which time it will be too late. I will be married to Jacob, and she will understand that I deserved the title by birth. I am a lord's daughter, after all.

The veil set upon my head, the belt tied double, the bliaud fastened, and my hair braided with ribbons, I wait. The ceremony occurs an hour past dawn, with feasting to follow after the Mass. It's a mercy Jacob does not know of this plan that I had. I was not to say a word about it to him, not until after vows were said and it was almost too late. The veil would have kept her face secret, and the fewer who knew about it, the less they could say during the investigation that would be sure to follow.

A knock comes on my door. I call for it to open. A servant girl stands there, older than me, but not by much. "I'm here to bring you to the chapel, my lady," she says with a bowed head. Then she looks around. "Where's your maid, my lady?"

"She is off on an errand for me today," I respond. "She likely will not return until sunset."

The girl bows her head again. I follow her out the door.

The chapel comes too quickly. My vows are said in a daze. Before I know it, it is the feast.

I sit next to Jacob. The world turns quickly.

But he smiles and takes my hand as everyone makes merry, looking into my eyes. The green melts me, it calms me, and the warmth from his hand emanates through my whole body.

"Are you alright?" he asks quietly. "You seem distracted."

"I'm fine," I lie, but I really do feel better now. "'Tis only strange to not have Aelis by me today."

"Yes, I'd noticed she was gone." His brow furrows, and suddenly I hate her for the concern in his face. "Where is she?"

"She ran an errand for me today. I was afraid for her."

"Why were you afraid for your servant girl?"

I draw a breath. "She was in love with you. I know of it, Jacob and- wait! I wished to help it, to have her marry you, but there was no way it could have worked."

He releases my hand and looks down. "We knew it never would last," he says softly. "But I am a married man now, and I pledge my heart only to you."

My heart warms again as we smile at each other. I know he will keep his word.

But what will become of Aelis?


She returned long after sunset- which was very late, considering the summertime. The feast had been over for three hours and I was asleep- and screams were coming from the hall, waking both me and Jacob in the process. My name, said with such hate and fury as it carried through the stone corridor, and chilled me to the bone. I sat up, clutching the bedclothes around me.

He sat up, too, blinking sleep from his eyes. "What is that?"

"Aelis," I replied in a whisper, looking my husband in the eye. "She's gone mad."

His eyes widened in the moonlight. Quickly we dressed and ran into the hall, where Jacob was immediately set upon by a fierce, tangle-haired, red-eyed creature. It was Aelis, her voice now growing hoarse from crying.

"You," she seethed, staring at me as Jacob pulled her off of him. "You did this to me. You lied to me!"

She seemed the picture of madness, then, with tears running down her cheeks and scratch marks from where she'd gouged her face with her own nails. No, it wasn't madness. It was deep grief and a profound sorrow.

She lunged for me, almost foaming at the mouth, and Jacob held her back. "I don't know you, Aelis," he whispered in horror. "Go from me. You cannot attack me in such a manner, and you certainly cannot touch my wife. Your lady."

He stepped away from a shocked Aelis, putting his arm protectively in front of me.

"You're mad, Aelis. You've lost your mind. Go from this house."

And with that, he stepped back into our bedroom, with me close behind, leaving a shell- shocked, tearful girl standing silent.

"I don't want to believe it," he whispered to me as we stood, shocked, by the bed. "I loved her."

"I loved her too. She was the sister I'd never had." My words were the truest I'd spoken that day.

I didn't feel guilty, though, not as I settled into the soft bed, with my husband beside me. It was her own fault, after all, for falling in love with her betters. And he was fickle, but loyal, too- I knew he'd never wander from me. His heart had changed quickly at our marriage, but I knew it wouldn't go back to her.

With a smile, I kissed my husband's forehead, and fell asleep content.

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