Making Up is the Hardest Part

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Joseph POV

Peter sits on the large trunk in our closet while I put away his freshly pressed suit jackets. 

It was around twelve in the morning and both of us were exhausted from cleaning up another one of the twins explosions.

 In the dim lights, I open the glass case and place them on the rack by color. There was an awkward vibe going on thanks to my own stupidity and I didn't like it. 

"How's your arm?" 

He asks and I look down at my cast. 

"Better today than it was yesterday," I say gently.

 I was still trying to find some way to make up for last night. 

"And your head?" He takes off his watch and places it in the drawer. I turn to him. 

"I keep having this terrible migraine and forgetting everything," I say sarcastically and he gives me a look. 

"I'm kidding hon. What's wrong?"

I ask finally although I already know the answer.

 "My intern confessed his love for me today," 

Nevermind that was not the answer I was expecting.

 "What? How? What did you say?

I laugh as he takes off his tie and starts to unbutton his shirt. 

"He kissed me too." 

My smile drops and I look at him. He can't look at me. 

I close the glass case and stare at him. 

"Did you like it?" comes flying out of my mouth. 

"No, it didn't feel like anything at all actually," he says and gives me a sincere look. 

I go over and sit next to him on the trunk. 

So he kissed another man and what have I been doing? 

Sulking in guilt? 

 "I turned down his kind offer." He says.

 "Is that suppose to make me feel better?"  I grunt. 

We sit in silence for a few minutes. 

Debating our game of verbal chess I decide to cheat and turn my entire body to him.

To his surprise, I hold him in my arms and kiss him, hard. 

He moans a little and I pull back a little to catch my breath. 

"Did he kiss you like that?" I ask but he just shakes his head, 

"No, I'm telling you, I didn't fee..." I shut him up by kissing him again. 

The same words that he said last night tumble through my head. 

While kissing him I slowly crawl my way onto his lap and finish unbuttoning his shirt for him. I gently kiss his cheek and make my way to his neck. 

His hands crawl under my shirt,

"Oh? Joseph, when did you get abs?" He asks softly.

 "I don't know they just appeared. Why? Do you not like them?"

I can feel myself tensing up with self-conscience nerves, 

it's been awhile since we last did this.

 But he reaches that sweet spot and I feel myself collapse into him.

 "I never said such a thing,"

he whispers in that deep sexy voice of his as he kisses my now bare shoulder. 

I bite my lip, feeling my heart start to race and I nibble his ear, 

"Tonight, I want to make you feel wanted," I whisper into his ear and watch him blush a little, 

"When did my sweet husband get so bold?" He sounds as if my few words knocked all of the air out of him. 

"Your sweet husband who hasn't had you to himself in six months..."  

The cry breaks our sexual tension and we both groan at the same time.

"Why do we have kids again?" I mumble and he gently kisses my cheek. 

"Well it was fun while it lasted." He sighs and I narrow my eyes at him while standing up. 

"No, I'll be back to claim you. I swear it, even if it's the death of me." I tell him tiredly and he laughs rolling his eyes. 

"No, let's get this straight, I claim you." He smirks and crosses his arms. 

"I'll be back."  I say while walking without looking and trip over a box, hitting the door knob. 

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