Chapter 35-Too Much

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My so called "memory" hasn't came back. Suzzie is always crying because Craig and I wont take her over to see those foul people. We only need eachother. "But Mommy.." "Suzella if you say ONE morw thing about them, I will pop you." She just went into her room. I went into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. I took out the chicken legs and rice and put the chicken in sink for it to defrost. I also took a pot out started to boil the rice. Craig walked into the apartment and kissed me on the cheek and wrapped his nice, big arms on my hips. "Hey babe." he said seductivly. "Hi." I giggled out. "I missed you." he blew on my hot spot. I moaned,"Missed you too." "Maybe we shouldbcontinue this conversation after din-" Hid phone started to buzz. "Hello...Calm down RAy...Okay okay Im on my way." He pressed end on his phone and sighed heavily. "Whats wrong?" I asked while putting the seasons on the chicken. "Prince is in the hospital because he... Well Ill just explaine on the way.SUZZIE" He exclaimed while grabbing his car keys. She came running out the room."Come on put on your shoes and get in your car seat." "ME NO GO!"She exclaimed while throwing the teddy bear we got her on her 2nd birthday. SHe loves that thing. Prod looked hurt and angry. I walked over to Suzzie and popped her on her hand.She started crying franticly."Go get ready to go NOW."I said. She ran in her room and came back out ready. She picked up the vear and scurried out the house. I walked over to Prod who still looked heartbroken. I motioned him to come on and he got in the drivers side and drove.


Prince and I were laying in bed while we started feeling blood in the bed. We looked at each other then raised the covers. I soon saw the blood was coming from Prince's legs and saw we had blood ALL OVER. Prince got out the bed and a gooey thing that was shapped like a baby came out of him. Prince looked at it and started crying franticly. "MY BABY , MY BABY! NO I WANT MY BABY ! MY BAB-" he fell out into his own pool of blood. I quickly got up and started shaking him. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed towels, trying to stop the blood flow and grabbed my phone and called 911. "911 whats your emergency?" "MY BOYFRIEND JUST HAD A MISCARRIGE AND THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE AND HE PASSED OUT! PLEASE COME HELP COME HELP!" I franticly screamed. Just then, Roc,Gwen and RO came in and looked at Prince in shock. RO started crying and ran to Gwen's thighs. SHe picked him up and took him out while Roc grabbed the towel and shooed me away to talk to the police. "Okay sir. How far along was he?" I counted. "5 months." "Okay and where are you?ANd where in the house should we look for you?" "We are 133 Calhoone DRive, In A room upstairs that says 'Prince and Ray.'" "Okay we are on our way." More blood started comming out, this time out of his mouth. I hung up the phone and ran. I saw the little gooey thing move and Roc screamed. He was looking at his towel and saw another 2 of the gooey things. He fainted out. "Lord."I whispered. Just then, a bang was on the door. They came in and cleaned Prince up and put him on the strecher. I watched as the doctor picked up the 3 gooeies and cleaned them off. "You were going to have 2 boys and 1 girl." he said and walked out. I stood there in shock as I fi ally dropled in Princes' blood and cried. Gwen came in and cradeled me in her arms. "Do you want too to the hosppital with me?" she asked. I looked at her to see she had dry tear stains on her face and her shirt was soaked-probaly from RO. I nodded and she tried to pick me uo, but she couldnt. I chuckled and picked myself up to help her. She laughed and whipped my tears away. "Whst did the police cary out?" "My tripelts." Shenhad a confused look on her face then got in the car.


I was running around in some fluffy clouds. Everything smelled like vanilla and roses. I had on a white overralls. I soon say a pair of golden gates.

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