Wassuh baybeh', I smiled

Hey, she smiled back

There was complete silence until I broke it

You look beautiful, I said admiring her outfit

You look beautiful, I said admiring her outfit

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Lu I'm just wearing a tracksuit, she giggled

But you still look beautiful... it looks like you got thicker too, I said before biting my lip

She blushed

Baby girl I'm sorry I knew I shouldn't have did that to you I knew I was leading you on and we have a thing for each other but we wasn't getting at each other and if I dated you I wouldn't have dropped my hoes, I sighed deeply and stared at her

Lu I don't care who you fuck... I-i love you you were the only one that was there for me when I needed clothes on my body and food in my belly and I thank you for that but where were you when I needed you the most? Huh, she cried

I was beaten for years when I say years I mean half of my life and when I would call you at night you wouldn't answer you would wait until I blowed your phone up and it would be a bitch answering YOUR CELLPHONE, she continued while crying

Baby girl I told you I was sorry remember when I brought you that promise ring?, I questioned

BUYING ME STUFF ISN'T GONNA CHANGE THE FACT THAT I NEEDED YOU THE MOST, she yelled in my face with hot tears running down her cheeks

Baby girl I'm sorry ok.... how can I make it up to you?, I asked

You can just leave me alone, she cried harder

She got up and was about to walk out when I ran to the door and locked it

I picked her up threw her on my bed kissed her then went to her neck and pulled her jacket and shirt off I unclipped her bra.... Damn her boobs big as hell

I massaged her boobs and sucked on her nipples

L-Lucas w-what are you doing, she moaned

Shhhh ma, I whispered

We  started tongue kissing I slowly went down to the brim of her pants and took them off she pulled my sweatpants string and unloosened them I helped her pull them off

We started tongue kissing again she pulled my shirt off I took her panties off and rubbed her clit

Mmm, she Moaned

•Deep Wounds• || Lucas Coly ||Where stories live. Discover now