
17 1 2

Made: 9-3-17
Published: 9-12-17

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

As you can see, this is meh book of ocs! I will post all of meh ocs here even my Wizardess Heart, Blood In Roses, and Ninja Assassin ocs despite them having their own book where I share them. XD

I will say right now that I DO NOT own any of the pictures I post here unless I say I do. These lovely pictures are to help people get a better description of my ocs because I can't describe or draw them even if my life depended on it. XD

Anyways, the oc itself I do own. Please don't steal any of meh ocs please. I don't know why you would want to either since I suck at making ocs, but still. Just ask if you want to use them. I don't bite. XD

I would also like to say you are free to roleplay here as well. I don't really mind. I love to roleplay so don't be afraid to just randomly start roleplaying with me. Though I will warn that I have a tendency to not answer for a while. So I'm sorry about that. T^T

If you are going to roleplay on here, tell me a bit about your character so I can know them a bit. I also allow smut/lemon scenes and of course swearing is allowed too. You are basically allowed to roleplay about anything. XD

However, there is one rule you must follow at all times...*Drumroll*.......you must ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS.....have fun. Yup! That's my major rule. I scared chu did I? XD

Well, that's all I wanted to share! I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye! :3
~ DeathGirl27

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