"Im scared Harry"

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Jill's P.O.V

(A lot of stuff happens in this chapter, maybe it's going kinda fast but....it's a fanfic so ily)

I pace back an forth in me and Harry's house for little rally twenty minutes. My headache increase by the minute.

Just breathe Jill, I say trying to calm myself down. But the problem is I can't.

I glance over to the table where my phone is placed. I've had morning sickness again this morning, and my mood swings haven't changed a bit.

I can't lie and tell myself I'm not pregnant, the truth is I wish I could. I'm terrified. I love Harry but we never talked about kids, in fact we wanted to wait until we were both ready.

Harry's just got promotion, he's a business men, he travels the world. He doesn't need this type of stress on him.

So much for protection, or so much for him not staying on his side of the bed. I press my hand to my forehead. Great I think.

I don't even change my clothes,as I call my doctor heading towards my car making an appointment.


"Mrs. Styles" I hear the assistant ask. I smile slightly getting up to follow her.

"Says here you came to get a pregnancy test?" She asks opening the door for me. I walk in modding sitting down nervously.

"Alright the doctor will be in shortly" she says leaving me alone, as I stare at the white walls. I feel my phone vibrate in pocket, but I stay absolutely still.

My heart stops as the doctor opens the door welcome me. She gets right to it and I do the tests, she promises to get them as soon as possible. Promising a 20 minute wait, I decide to just stay in the room.

"For better or for worse" I say to myself waiting. Whatever the test are, I will not get mad at anyone. We've been married for 3 months, this was bond to happen. What about harry, he's leaving for his new job in a few weeks, what if he decides to leave me. I feel the tears return to my eyes. I look at my lockscreen, it was a picture of me and Harry the day of our wedding.

"For better or for worse" I say locking my phone.

It seems like forever when the door reopened to see my doctor in view. I let out a exhausted sign.

"Well?" I say as she sit down on a chair next to me.

"Congratulations, your having a baby"


Harry's P.O.V

"Styles can I talk to you for a sec" my boss appears in the door way.

"Yea sure" I say placing the papers down on my desk.

He comes in and sits down.

"I have some bad news" he states scratching the back of my head.

"What is it?" I say concerned.

"The date for you to leave has been moved to the 14th" he states nervously.

"But that's only in a few days" I say frustrated.

"Yes but the boys need us down there, I showed them your work and there impressed."

"How long will I be gone" I say looking out the window.

"It depends on how fast they can build"

"Mark I have a wife at home" I state closing my eyes.

"Think about it" he says getting up.

"But Harry this is one of a life time opportunity, don't lose it, you just graduated from college, this is an important step in your career."

He closes the door and I get up pace a few minutes. I lash out knocking papers off my desk. What am I going to tell Jill.

I grip my desk.

"Damnit" I scream.


(Was ganna stop here but I haven't updated in a while so love me bitches)

I open the door and Jill's cooking fills in my nose. I smile I love her so much.

What the hell am I ganna do, I'm leaving across the world in a few days, for lord knows how long.

I walk into the kitchen, finding her in shorts and a baggy t-shirt, her hair placed in a bun. She turns around, her eyes look red as if she was crying.

"Jill maybe are you ok" I ask stepping towards her, maybe she threw up again.

"Fine, how was work" she turns around to continue to cook. I take off my jacket then my tie.

"Actually I have some stuff I need to tell you."

"Me to" she says turning off the stove and placing the food on the table. Not looking me in the eyes.

"Jill seriously what is wrong" I say pulling her into my. Her soft hair touches my neck. I'm ganna miss this, I think to myself. She hugs me harder so I pick her up and set her on the counter. Making her look me directly in the eye.

We stare at each others eyes for a few seconds, but hers quickly fill with tears.

"How about if I tell you my news you can tell me why your crying" I say cupping her face. She nods.

"You know that promotion, well things changed" I say walking away, holding a kitchen chair for support.

"Jill I'm leaving in a few days for lord knows how long, I wish I didn't have to go, but this is important to me, not a much as you, but very close. If I don't take this how will we pay for the bills, your still trying to get a doctrine job." I say not glancing her way. I feel the tears in my eyes.

For what seems eternity, no one dare says a word. I was afraid she would scream, freak out, I just wanted her to do something. Because a quiet Jill was never good.

"Jill I don't have to take it if you don't want me to."

I hear her hop off the counter and rushing towards the bathroom. Slamming it shut with a loud boom. I hear muffle crys, dammit why can't anything good happen.

"Jillian love, come out please" I knock on the door slowly. Hearing her cry breaks my heart.

"Go away" I hear her say.

"Jill open the damn door" I say leaning my head against my arm on the door.

"We're ganna get threw this" I say reassuring her.

"You don't understand" I hear her say.

"Tell me then"

She opens the door an stands there looking hopeless.

"I'm scared harry" she says covering her face.

"Don't be, nothing will happen." I say.

"I'm pregnant harry" she whispers.

"What?" I say my heart stops.

"I'm pregnant" she repeats. "I'm scared Harry"


That just happened, yes it's pretty fast but, like I said in the previous book, this leads up to ever thing.

If this sucked I'm sorry.... Because I've been having bad writers block.

But if you loved it do vote, and for crying out loud comment! No one comments anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!



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