Why Me?

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As we walk through the halls of what I am nearly certain is Slender Mansion. I look around and see door after door after door after door! "oh how boring!! there are only doors! well there is also the occasional blood splatter but that's besides the point!" E.J. only glanced back in my direction then looked back ahead.

"boring or not this is where your going to be staying forever unless we decide to kill you both are equally possible in my opinion" after that he didn't say anything else to me. So I started singing because I was bored, before long we reached a room that I assumed was the living room. Still singing I sit down on the couch next to a boy who looked to be about 13 with long golden blonde hair with a link costume on. I couldn't see his face because he was faced away from me and towards the t.v. screen where he was playing COD (more like wiping the floor with the other players really).

"Wow! your really good!!" he simply grunted in response as all of his attention was pointed at the screen in front of him. "I'm gonna steal our hat ok?" again just a grunt 'well he's obviously not paying attention to me so I might as well have some fun' "hey BEN I can beat you at any game at any time!!" that got his attention and he whirled around and glanced at me completely ignoring his game. His black eyes with red pupils narrowed in a glare aimed straight at me with blood gushing from them and his pink soft looking lips twisted in a scowl.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me! You did hear me didn't you? or are you as deaf as you are hydrophobic!"

"Why you!" he lunged at me but before he could reach me the front door burst open and there stood Masky and Hoodie in all of their glory.

"Aurora!!! your awake!!!" Masky exclaimed running over to me and engulfing me into the biggest hug I had ever been given. He even picked me up and twirled me around like my 145 or so pounds were nothing! "Oh my god!! its so good to have my little emo back!!" I just stared at him only one person had ever called me that and it was Tim.. my older brother and come to think of it 'oh god!! he's the one I heard before I became unconscious!! oh god I think I'm going to be sick!!'
Next one will be in Masky's point of view!!!!! thanks for reading this really!!!!!! over and out!

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