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1Year Later.

Walking on the beach alone at 2 A.M , wasn't ever better than that , remembering my mother and my town and mostly my Jake .

"Norah we have to sleep it's too late we have to wake up early we don't want to miss our plane" sandy called from balcony of our beach house , tomorrow we are going back to England I miss London and everything about it but at the same time I don't feel like going back I don't want to remember everything that happened there and mostly I don't want to go back to my father .

"Coming" I walked back to the beach house and to the bathroom , preparing bath for me to get in I just want to relax forever I want my life to be always in peace , I kinda act cheerful and happy around other people but inside I'm broken ,only sandy and my father knows my tragedy that's why my father decided to send me to Hawaii for a year to relax I believe he just wanted me away so I don't embarrass him around other people or his friends I just need him to be by my side but being the famous business man he don't have time .

"You're taking shower that late ?" I didn't realize Sandy was with me in the bathroom until now but it doesn't matter anyway, I nod my head and smiled slowly " you do realize that this is your third shower today ?"

"Technically it's the first today ,it's past 12 so You do have to realize it's a whole new day so yeah it's my first shower today" she looked at me not understanding what the fuck I'm saying Then rolled her eyes.

"You're talking to much omg , no that's not working you're not showering now we are sleeping you already sleep like a pig and it's hard to woke you up you have to sleep now so it might be easier come on you can sleep in the plane it will be a long trip you can sleep as long as you wish" she turned off the water and pulled my arm and walked with me to my room , Sandy seemed really excited to go back home unlike me .

" Sandy" I called

"Yes?" She sat me on my bed and  was unfolding the blanket for me to cover with.

"I don't want to go back" my voice cracked at the end and tears streamed down my face wetting the bed sheets and my shorts.

"Oh my baby please don't cry it's alright everything will be alright I will always be with you , but we have to go back , we can go back to school we can finish high school and go to college we can also meet our friends and make new friends don't you miss home ?" I looked at her still crying hard enough to fill the bath in the bathroom and nodded my head up and down slowly.

"I just don't want to remember everything I don't want to be with dad I feel kind of better here alone with you , I do want to finish school and attend college and I do miss my old friends but I just don't feel like I can do it not after what happened" she hugged me to her chest tight and I hugged her like it's the last time .

"It's alright I'm with you always will don't ever doubt that" I smiled and nodded again holding her hand tight "now we have to sleep ok we need to walk up at 10Am ok I know you're tired so have a good night" she laid me down on the soft matters and covered my body with the warm blanket.

"Sandy can you sleep with me tonight I don't want to sleep alone" I pleaded for her .

'' it sounds so gay but yeah of course my baby" I chuckled and moved to the side giving her some space to sleep in" .


2:36Am , two girls seen sleeping hugging tight one of them with a brown hair crying silently But guess who saw it.


"NORAHHH IT'S 11AM WAKE UP!!!"Sandy was yelling so loud and I jumped out of bed as fast as I could and ran to the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face.

"Hurry up Norah we have to be at the airport before 11:30" shouted sandy from the other room I ran to my mirror picking my clothes which I choose the other night to travel with and quickly wearing it while I can see sandy doing her hair into braids I put little makeup on and brushed my hair putting it in a messy bun then hurrying to the front door where sandy is waiting for me with our suitcases is going to be a long day i thought.

The Illusion In Our Fate || Z.MDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora