Meeting the Groglin, Finding the Stone

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Chapter One

Meeting the Groglin, Finding the Stone


"Quinn, wait up!"

I turned to see my friend Peony panting after me. Her wings were fluttering so fast, they were a blur.

"Hurry up! I want to get there as soon as possible!" I shouted over my shoulder.

I flew up as high as my wings would carry me, giving me an outlook of The Forest of Evelyn. I peered over the bushy green tops of trees and found my destination: The House of The Groglin. The Groglin is a special faerie, a faerie who can see into the future.

"I don't understand why you need to see The Groglin. What do you need to see into the future for?" asked Peony who was now fluttering by my side.

"I need to see how long my mother will live for."

My mother, Wawna, is very sick. She lives just behind the White Willows, and just in front the Great Oaks. She contracted Reamer's disease, a deadly disease which disenables you to fly. It also keeps you in bed all day with painful stomach aches, head aches, and high fevers.

Doctor Woodruff only gave my mother a week to live. She has surpassed that three weeks ago. He was as baffled by it as everyone in Evelyn was. I wasn't surprised at all. I knew my mother was a fighter. I just wanted to know just how long she could fight.

"We're getting closer. I can feel an essence of a faerie nearby."

"Me too." whispered back Peony.

We flew deeper and deeper into the dark forest. Suddenly we heard a screech in the air. An owl! A faerie's biggest enemy. Aside from snakes...and dogs... and humans.... okay so maybe owls aren't our biggest enemy.

"Hide!" I shouted to Peony.

She went left, I went right. We saw the big bird fly into the clearing. Its talons shone in the sun.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" hissed the creature in a husky tone.

"Come on, I know your hiding. It would be a lot easier if you just came out here like good little faeries!"

I saw Peony's face across from me. It was white as a sheet. I saw her try to move away from where she was at.

"Peony no!" I was about to say when I heard a "snap". The owl heard it too.

"Gotcha!" screeched the bird, pouncing on Peony. He almost caught her, but she squeezed through his talons.

"Come on Peony, lets go!" I shouted to her.

We joined side by side, flying frantically away from the giant bird, who now was spitting in disgust.

"You'll come back. And when you do, I'll make you for dinner!" shouted the bird.

I shivered as the words crept up my spine. We came to a small path made of colored pebbles and glass. As we walked further, we saw a little picket sign saying "This way to The Groglin's house." painted in red. We walked a short distance and then came to a small cottage. It was painted red and green with black shingles on a tiny roof. A small bell hung above the door.

"Well, here it is!" I said, trying to contain the excitement in my voice.

"Then go ahead and knock!"

I fluttered cautiously over to the wooden door, looking to see if there were any traps. There weren't, so I knocked loudly on the door.

"Just a minute!" called a feeble voice.

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