Hide x Sekosu (Next Gen RP)

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Sekose walked around the hospital in search for her dear friend and crush. The silly little thing started a little bit after they met, she had a sense of protection over the trans male and to keep that smile on his face. The blonde continued to search until she heard his soft voice from the hall. Excitedly, she ran over, but, something was wrong.

She found him, but he was talking to Zeno. Sekosu's heart quickened it's pace as her head felt light. Her throat seemed to have gotten dry before she doubled over and coughed out one tiny pink petal. She stared at it in shock, what happened...?

Hide looked over at the female and excused himself from Zeno, jogging over to her with a worried expression. "A-Are you o-okay? I c-can get you w-water..."

Sekosu shot up and shook her head, "n-n-noooo... I'm-m fiiiii-ne!" She waved her hands all over the place to prove her point.  However it only made Hide more worried, though he left it at that.

"Okay, w-well... I-I h-have to go... T-Talk to you l-later!" He chirped softly, jogging back over to the green haired male. He had a smile on his pinkish lips, and it only made Sekosu's heart lurch. That smile was precious to her, she loved how it brightened up her day so easily.

Once the duo disappeared from her sight, she crumpled up into a ball, crying softly. The fire in her throat grew worse as the numbness in her chest doubled. She started to cough again as more petals fell from her lips.

Ever since then, Sekosu's been collecting the beautiful petals and keeping them in a small music box. She also figured out the cause of the problem; Hide hasn't been talking to her at all anymore. It hurt worse for her thinking that she did something wrong, she just didn't know what. Am I too clingy? Is he embarrassed to be around me...?

Her coughing only got worse and worse until she just couldn't take it anymore. She felt so alone.

"Hide... can we talk?" Her heart skipped a beat when he looked at her with scared baby blue eyes. Sekosu felt herself tear up, "p-ple-ase?"

"O-Oh, y-yeah, sure, w-what's wrong-"

"Why have you been ignoring me?!" The Akamatsu cut him off, feeling the crystal tears slide down her plump cheeks.

Hide's eyes widened as he quickly hugged her, making an attempt on wiping away the tears. "I... I-I'm scared t-that you'd h-hate me i-if you f-found out..."

This hurts more than it should. "What...? I could never hate you!" She cried out, buring her face in the other's soft pink sweater, staining it with tears.

"I-I'm t-tra-"

"I know you are! And I still love you, okay? But... you love Zeno don't you?" She asked bitterly. The familiar feeling of the petals came creeping back up her throat as her breathing became harsher.

Hide felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He felt like an idiot, "Z-Zeno h-has a cr-crush on Blair. I-I was t-trying to give him a-advice."

Sekosu pulled back with red puffy eyes as her mouth made an 'o'. Now it was her turn to feel like an idiot. Just like that, her throat started to clear up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-"

Hide chuckled softly and cupped her cheeks, moving in slowly. He tilted his head to the right as he pressed a soft kiss onto Sekosu's lips. He kept it brief and soft before he pulled back with a loving smile. "I-It's okay. I-I l-love you."

The music loving female stared at him in shock until her entire face erupted into a dark red. New set of tears appeared, though this time they were happy tears. Even the numbness in her chest disappeared and changed into pure euphoria.

Years passed since then, and the couple stayed by each other's sides. Even to their deathbed at an old age, they shared a loving smile before they both took one final shared breath.

(( This was a request from ---Not_Dead_Yet. I hope you like it! ))

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