I cant think of a name lmao

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((Eh yeah enjoy? Oh and there will be a lot of texting in this chapter bc why not))


You smirked to yourself, knowing that with the dirt you had on Rich, you could be able to make him apologize about the past. You made your way inside, "(y/n)? I thought you weren't coming home..." you mother called, sitting on the couch "changed my mind" you answered blankly, still smirking to yourself. You had now entered your room, and were looking through your closet "do I even have to wear anything fancy? Isn't this fine?" You asked your Squid "nope, you need to make a good impression" he answered "ugh, fine. But no dresses!" You hissed and furrowed your brows "yeah yeah, no dresses" Squip chuckled dryly. The sudden ding from your phone almost made you jump. You looked at it to find a message.

Unknown: hey (y/n), it's me Michael!

(Y/n): hey Michael, what's up?

Michael: just playing games wif Jer. U?

(Y/n): getting ready. My mom invited the Goranskis over for dinner ugh

Michael: u mean Rich? I feel bad 4 u, he's a total jerk

(Y/n): yeah haha, I have some dirt on him tho so I'll be able to survive

Michael: oooh, do tell~

(Y/n): ok ok, but don't tell anyone! Well I mean you can tell Jeremy if he doesn't tell anyone

Michael: I won't! Now tell meh

(Y/n): I caught him with Jake D. Earlier today (wink wonk)

Michael: le gasp! R u sure it was dem?

(Y/n): yea! They called each other 'jakey' and 'richy'

Michael: r u sur dat wasn't just a friend thing? I call Jeremy Jer all da tim

(Y/n): they kissed, Micheal.

Micheal: ok maybe ur rite

(Y/n): well I gotta go bai x

Micheal: baii xx

You smiled idiotically at the fact that you and Michael had just put and x in his text, I mean that's basically flirting. Right? Right.

"Hey, if you're done talking to your husband, could we pick some clothes?" Your squid ripped you from your thoughts, "h-he's not my husband!" You blushed a deep shade of pink "yet" the computer added. You groaned and looked in your closet, finding a striped sweater and black leggings "is this ok?" You asked, "it'll work." So you changed and brushed you hair ((if you have long hair you can braid it or something, I just feel like the shorthaired people have it hard, so I wanted them to feel ok too)). You decided against lipstick since it would stain your glass and food. You decided now would be a good time to talk to Rich, so you got your phone and searched for him in your contacts.

(Y/n): heyo

Rich: y r u texting me? I thought u hated me or somthin

(Y/n): haha and that hasn't changed, I just thought I should tell you that I know about your little... situation

Rich: what do u mean!? I don't have any 'situation' going on! U r so annoying!

(Y/n):  oh, Rich, I don't think you should act that way towards me. Unless you want your parents to know about who you are dating

Rich: what. 


(Y/n): I won't. if you act nice around me, that is. Also, word of advice: don't think you can have any kind of privacy at a high school

Rich: ugh, fine. but please don't tell anyone, my parents would kill me...

(Y/n): I won't, don't worry Rich

Rich: goodbye, I guess

And with that you turned off your phone, though you did feel a bit bad for Rich. And you hated having to blackmail him just to be his friend 'that's just how life goes, I guess' you sighed "wise words" you Squid added.

-time skip-

You had just eaten dinner, and the Goranskis had went home. The meal mostly consisted of small talk, and the adults asking you questions such as 'so how's school going?' Or 'found a boyfriend yet?' To which you always said no, but still shot rich a glare of 'but rich has.' You were now just sitting in your room, listening to Hamilton on your phone. Guns And Ships was paused by a 'ding' sound. So you paused the song and checked your messages.

Michael: eyoo, how did dinner go?

(Y/n): it went fine, Rich kept looking at his food and barely ate.

Michael: aww man, I feel kinda bad for the little guy. Even if he is a jerk

(Y/n): yeah... hey micheal, I was just wondering..

Michael: hmm?

(Y/n): nothing, it doesn't matter. So what are you up to?

Michael: uuh ok. I'm just chillin, y?

(Y/n): I dunno, I'm boredddd

Michael: u could come over if u want

(Y/n): yayyyyy thx Michael, wats ur address?

So Michael sent you his address, which surprisingly, wasn't that far away. You stood in front of the door, collecting all of your confidence before knocking. The door swung upen "hi (y/n)!" The cheery boy greeted "hey Michael" you said back "come on in!" He gestured to the rather large house, and you went in. Instantly you were hit with a weird homey aroma, mixed with a tiny bit of weed and Mountain Dew red."so uh, do you wanna play some games?" Michael asked, rather awkwardly "sure thing" you smiled to ease the awkward tension. He led you into the basement, which was equipped with a big tv, a couple gaming consoles, a shelf stocked with games and two beanbags. "What do you want to play?" You decided on apocalypse of the damned, and played for a couple of hours til you were both exhausted.

"Are you staying the night? Since you seem really tired, and it would be sad to get up now" Michael asked. You mumbled a 'stayin' and digged yourself into michaels side, inhaling his smells. "You smell like... drugs" you sleepily groaned, Michael chuckled, "sleep tight, (y/n)" and so you did, while cuddling with Michael ofc.


((Gasp, did I make a second chapter? I never do that wow so cool good job me))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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