The Other Minecraft Portal

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The Other Minecraft Portal

Chapter.1: The Kingdom

"Your highness?"

I shifted my gaze from the window to my humble servant, Erica.

"Erica you know how I feel about you calling me that. We have been friends for years. I trust you more than anyone. Joy is fine. I could really use a break from formalities."

"Yes, of course." Erica smiled. "They are ready for you."

I walked down the cobblestone corridor. The castle was quite large. I had more time to wander its halls when I was younger, before my parents died. After they went on an exploration to the End and never came back, they were presumed dead.

I was left in charge of the kingdom. When they died, I was fourteen, making me the youngest ruler Varsalla had ever had. Now I am fifteen.

It was custom for a fifteen year old to leave on a quest of nobility. They were to venture out into the unknown. I was not sure I would be able to go. Who would be in charge of the kingdom?

I am sure the council has forgotten, I thought to myself. They must be seeing me on a different matter. Perhaps the Taxation of the lower keep.......

I stopped my wandering thoughts outside the door. I took a deep breath and entered. The council stood at my entrance, but I waved them down. I sat at the head of the table, looking out at the council.

"Lets get down to business." I said with my most official sounding voice. "Why have you called me here?"

Charles looked confused. "Your majesty, I would have thought it would be obvious. As of yesterday you are fifteen and six months. We have called you to discuss your quest."

"I was told I would not be going on the quest." I said, astonished.

"We have a situation worked out." said Omar. There is a portal that appeared yesterday in the outskirts of Varsalla. We would like you to see what it is."

"I don't understand." I protested. "How could a Nether portal just appear out of nowhere?"

"Your Majesty, it wasn't a Nether portal." Elizabeth said kindly.

"You mean it was an End portal?" I asked, thinking of nothing but my parents.

"It was not a portal that is known by any one in Minecraft." Charles replied."We have searched for answers, but no knowledge of whatever lies beyond the portal exists in this world."

"I see."

"Is something troubling you, Your Highness." asked Elizabeth

"Just the matter of who will run the kingdom while I'm gone."

Kara leaned forward. "Your Highness, it is up for discussion, but the most likely choice is the council will make the decisions."

"No offense to any of you," I began. "But I prefer to have someone I trust in charge of the kingdom."

Charles and Kara looked at each other. "I'm not sure that would be wise."

"Yes, but it will be best for the kingdom." I said. "I elect my handmaiden, Erica."

"Your Majesty," protested Kara.

I continued to speak. "She is wise, loyal, and she serves the kingdom just as I do. In my mind, the decision is final."

I rose from my seat and strode towards the door. I turned. "I will give her my ring that signifies a ruler and I will lend her my seal. If you want the best for the kingdom, you will give Erica full power over the kingdom."

As I walked towards the dining hall, I couldn't help but wonder if there was another reason that the council didn't want Erica in charge. Besides the fact that she was a servant.


Sup? I hope you enjoyed reading this new story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Peace Out and DFTBA

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