Chapter 3: Second outing

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Friday night was already here. Myra thought all week about what surprise Damon had in store for her. She had to keep the news to herself; after all, how would her classmates at the university react to it? Would they even believe her? Myra was well-known for her shyness in class. Her clothes didn't stand out much from the other girls and she never wore make-up.

Tonight, Myra was a different person. She tried on new outfit ideas and observed what everyone else wore. She looked at different make-up styles to find the best fit for her. She wanted to impress Damon on their first date, although he would have never come back had he not been impressed with her before. She was just going to be herself.

Annie and her boyfriend, John, were in the living room that evening when Myra came down the stairs. Both had to do a double-take before recognizing her. 

"Well, well, well," Annie acknowledged. "What do you have in store tonight? A hot date?"

Myra didn't answer with words. She only blushed.

"Annie, are we seeing the new and improved Myra Burnsley tonight?" John asked.

"Maybe so, John. So, who is it? Tell us."

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Is it Arthur?" John asked. He knew that Annie was trying to get Myra to talk to him at the pub that night. "He doesn't tell me stuff anymore."

"Actually, it's no one at the university. But you do know him."

At that moment, they heard a knock on the door. Myra grabbed her purse and answered the door. Damon stood there in his usual get-up: parachute blue jeans, a collared shirt, high-top Converses, and a seashell necklace. He was the epitome of a Bohemian suburbs kid. Annie and John were shocked at seeing a famous singer standing at their door. AND he was the date of their Conservative, shy friend!

"'Ello, Myra. Are you ready to go?"

"Sure, Damon. But first, I want you to meet my friends. This is my flatmate Annie Kingston and her boyfriend John Suggs."

Damon smiled and waved at the pair on the sofa, while Annie and John could only wave in disbelief.

"Okay, now I'm ready to go. Bye, guys! Don't wait up for me, okay?" Myra stepped outside and Damon closed the door behind them. Damon got ahead of her so he could open her door on his car. He got in on the drivers side and they sped off, with Annie and John watching outside the bay window.

Damon pulled up to Mildred's, a vegetarian restaurant and bar in Westminster. Myra was a vegetarian, so Damon wanted to cater to her. Throughout the entirety of dinner and their pre-meal drink, they never stopped talking. It was almost as if they could spend forever discussing every possible topic. They shared off each other's plates and even split a slice of cake.

It was only 8:30 by the end of dinner and neither one was ready to go home. The two of them walked arm in arm down the bustling market street to find some fun things to do. They visited a photo booth, a candy store, and an ice cream truck. A small carnival was going on, so they decided to go check it out.

Damon convinced Myra to ride a rollercoaster with him, although she was terrified of them. She held tightly onto his arm the entire ride, but she was laughing at the same time. He won her a giant stuffed bear at a ring toss booth which she clutched like an excited child. She had her first taste of cotton candy. Their night ended in a ride on the ferris wheel. No kisses were shared then, but Myra snuggled her head on Damon's chest and he wrapped his arm around her.

By the time Damon got Myra home, it was almost midnight, Annie had gone to bed, and John left to go home. Damon went up to the top of the porch stairs with Myra so he could wish her a proper goodnight. 

"I had a blast tonight, Damon. Thank you for everything," she said.

"It was my pleasure, love," he reciprocated. "I was just so happy to see you again. So, I guess you would like to do it again sometime?"

She smiled shyly. "Yes, I would love that."

They both smiled and stood in silence under the front porch light for a moment, but they had the same thing in mind. The silence was broken by their first kiss. It was Myra's first kiss, and it caused her to giggle with excitement like the teenager she was. It was certainly not Damon's first, but he had the same reaction. It was a genuinely tender moment between the two. Before they could think, they shared another one. And another one. Damon was certainly not ready to go home. After a while, they finally let go. 

"Goodnight, poppet," he whispered in her ear as he gave her one last kiss on the cheek. Myra stood on the porch steps and watched as Damon climbed back into his car for the long drive back to Colchester. As he drove off out of her sight, she finally turned around and unlocked her door to go in. Getting ready for bed, she made as little noise as possible in an attempt to not wake Annie.

It was nearly 2 in the morning when Damon arrived home. His bandmates were still awake and waiting for him in the living room. Graham was strumming his guitar, Dave was reading, and Alex was... eating, like always. Damon didn't expect them to be there.

"So, how'd it go?" Alex asked.

Damon smiled and sat down in the recliner. "You take a guess."

"No, no. You tell us."

Damon took a chip from Alex's plate. "I'll tell you this much - you'll be seeing more of Myra Burnsley in the future."

"It went great?" Dave didn't catch the hint.

"What do you think, 'you'll be seeing more of her', means, Dave?" Graham didn't mean any harm. That was just the kind of relationship they had. "But, the better question is, did you kiss her?"

Once again, Damon only smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes," Alex answered.

Graham continued. "Well, maybe it's a good thing we're moving to London next month."

"School's almost out for her, anyway." Then Damon realized. He forgot to tell them that Myra was a university student.

"Damon, seriously? A university girl?" Alex was surprised.

Damon hung his head in shame. "Yep, University of London."

"Oh, wait until the press gets a hold of this one!"

“The press won't be hearing about it any time soon. I'm not telling. I have more respect for Myra than that."

Dave stood up and stretched. "Well, you figure that one out. I'm going to bed."

One by one, each band member went to bed. Damon, of course, was the last to go. All he could do was replay images of Myra in his head.

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