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In the palace

The captain had returned to the palace after dealing with the rebels and after meeting with the woman he met in the forest. His mind was completely filled with her. What kind of woman would you see in a forest so late in the night. The captain kept his promise and told a few guards that there were rebel bodies that needed to be moved.

He headed towards his room to rest up, thankfully being the captain he got to stay in a nice room in the palace. Once he got to his room, he immediately took off his clothes and went to have a bathe. He came out after ten minutes had passed. He stepped out of the bathroom and to his surprise, he was welcomed by three people.

Kuuga, Hinata and Tora, his childhood friends. The three of them were also guards but unlike the other guards they held a position just below their captain Takumi. The palace had four ranks. Rank one meant that you were inexperienced and now learning combat, rank two meant you were fit to fight in battles, rank three ( which is what, Kuuga, Hinata and Tora are) meant that you were worthy of protecting the king, standing by his side, since you have great sword skills and rank four was the best of them all, it meant that you were considered a legend and the king would appoint you to any position you wanted.

Kuuga, Hinata and Tora each had there own groups that they would lead but overall Takumi was the one giving them the orders other than the king.

"Yo Takumi, we heard that you just got back from a mission last night," Tora said jumping on Takumi's bed.

"Yes," Takumi answered pulling Tora off his bed. "Why is it that everytime you come in here you always jump on my bed and mess it up?"

"Because it annoys you," Tora replied walking away from the bed and headed out the bedroom and into the living room following Kuuga and Hinata.

Takumi sighed. "Why didn't they just waited in the living room in the first place". He decided to change his clothes and then go chat with them. He walked out his bedroom to see Kuuga and Tora sitting on one couch together and Hinata in the other eating food from god knows where he got it from. Takumi sat down in an empty chair.

"Couldn't you guys at least wait three hours so I could have a nap before we go on patrol?" Takumi asked yawning. He had just got back but he would only have three hours to rest before it would be his time to patrol the town with them.

"Nope we couldn't wait," This time Kuuga said.

"Why?" Takumi questioned hoping they didn't give a ridiculous answer like they always do.

Kuuga and Tora looked at each other before they looked back at Takumi, "Because we love you," the both of them said placing their hands above their heads and making heart shapes laughing and soon too, Hinata joined in laughing. Two minutes later all three of them found themselves kicked out his room.

Three hours later..

Takumi, Kuuga, Tora and Hinata had prepared everything they needed to patrol the town. They all brought the group of guards that they lead, and slipt them up in the town at different post, while the four of them would patrol together visiting each post. Once they finished looking over every posts they're job for the day would be done and they would return to the palace. Usually patrolling the town would take a whole day since the town was big.

As the four of them were walking, as if right on schedule, girls from all over the place swarmed them all at once. This was a common thing for them since they're all handsome. They recieved alot of unnecessary gifts and were begged to go on dates with the girls that stood before them. Truthfully Kuuga and Tora enjoyed it and Hinata enjoyed all the free food they gave him but Takumi hated it very much. It always annoyed him how girls would just quickly take a liking to him because of his looks.

Love will find a way ( A Maid Sama fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now