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He followed her to the room, and called her name out several times before entering the in but she didn't pay attention to him. What was wrong with her? He couldn't understand why she was behaving weird since morning. Probably teasing her was a bad idea.

She sighed and sat on the corner of the bed, taking her head between her palms, and Randhir got down on his knees to see her face. Touching her head, he called out her name again.

"What's wrong with you?" He placed his hand on her head, caressing it as she hugged him, sobbing a little.

Why was she crying? For what reason? He didn't know anything and surprisingly, even Sanyukta couldn't understand the reason behind why she was crying.

She just knew that she wanted these tears to come out. Why? How? She didn't know.

"I'm sorry for troubling you, Randhir. I just don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not able to understand anything." She broke the hug and wiped her tears, then got up and moved out of the room.

She was fine till now, then what happened to her suddenly that she started crying? Randhir kept looking at the door, and after a few minutes saw her entering inside the bedroom with a jug full of water and a glass for him. Pouring the water inside the glass, she handed it to him. Chipping a small thank you, he got up from his place and placed the glass back on the nightstand once he finished drinking.

Next, taking steps towards her, he held her hand and made her sit on the bed and made himself comfortable next to her.

"Okay, tell me what did you do the whole day?" He smiled at her when he saw her making a face. Her day wasn't exticiting at all.

"Nothing. I woke up, made breakfast for myself, then I watched TV, then made lunch. Slept and now you're here. In short, my day was boring. I didn't do anything I was just waiting for you." She said, making Randhir bob his head.

Honestly, there was nothing to do for her. Sitting idle in the house, waiting for your husband to come is something not every girl can do. Sanyukta had expectations from herself. She had always been interesting in modelling, but couldn't keep her interest forward, ever.

Her parents were supportive, but it was her who always hesitated to say it. Being an air hostess and serving the airlines for nearly 5 years made her live her dream somehow, though. Now that she was married, there was no way she could say the same to her husband. Or maybe she could?

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I had to leave for office today. There are some internal problems, I hope you understand." He pressed his lips together and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She was kind of... lost.

"Sanyukta?" He called her out, trying to gain her attention, which he did. She looked at him and then back at the floor, then rolled her eyes and moved her head to look at the room. She didn't know what to do. She was confused, for some reason.

"I'm sorry. Yes, what were you saying?" She shook her head, fixing her gaze at him.

"I just said that I had to join office from today because of some problems in the office. I hope you're okay with it?" He explained again.

Randhir didn't want to question her about anything, though he was sure there was something which was bothering her. Sometimes, letting a person take his time to come out of his shell is the best thing you can do. Leave it to them. No forcing. Just let things be.

"Of course, Randhir it's fine with me. I understand work is more important. I totally understand." She said, trying to make him feel okay. She didn't want to be a burden on him or a reason of distraction from his work. She wanted to see him succeed in his field.

Randhir could sense something in her voice. She understood him, yes she did and she supported him with all her heart but there was something which Randhir could see. There was something else he could notice. It was... weird, but he could. He wasn't able to figure out what exactly it was, though.

"Thanks for understanding. I thought you would be upset because my leaves got cancelled..." Cupping her cheek, he muttered.

Well, yes, that was something which was going on in his mind. Who would not want to go on a vacation after their wedding with their husband to spend some time with him? He had always been told that girls have expectations from their husband, which was true to some extent. Not in the cases of loveless marriages, of course.

"No, it's completely fine. It's not your fault, anyway so you shouldn't be saying sorry to me." She held his hand which was on her cheek and smiled entwining their fingers. Randhir felt light. He was relieved. He felt good.

"Is their something you want to say to me? Something important? Do you?" He asked Sanyukta, who was busy playing with his fingers. She simply shook her head and continued to do what she was doing.

She couldn't understand how to put it in words, I mean... what she was feeling. That feeling was different and it was weird. Something which she had never felt before.

How do you feel when the thing which you like the most goes away from you? It was what she was feeling. She wanted to do something for her. The question was - How?

"Are you happy with me, Sanyukta?" He asked all of a sudden and she went blank. She didn't know what to answer.

Haha. So the story starts.
Reviews please?
The part is dedicated to my dear, Shakha <33


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