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"What is it?"

"Look! Look!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Are you ready to see what I found?"

"Uhhh. Sure?"


". . . A bug?"

"This isn't just any bug!"

"Really? Then what is it?"

"A ladybug! The most ladylike of bugs."

"What about butterflies?"

"Those are the most buttery of bugs."

"That doesn't make sense."

"You don't make sense!"

"Okay whatever."

"But isn't she pretty?"

"How do you know it's a she?"

"Uh, hellooo? Ladybug? LADYbug?"

"Just because it's a ladybug doesn't mean it's a lady."


"There are guy ladybugs."

"So they are lady-man-bugs?"

"I guess you could call them that."

"That's so cool!"

"Well I think that little bug wants to fly."

"Awww. Bye bye lady-man-bug!"

"You know you sound really stupid saying that."

"You look really stupid being so sarcastic."

"Ouch. Maybe I should start calling you ladybug."

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Cause you seem like such a lady when you can actually be a guy."

". . ."


"Jammy get back here!"

"Never Ladybug!"

"Don't call me that!"



Amnesia : Naj!Paperjam x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now