Chapter 1

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The following work is fan fiction; most of the Characters in this story belong to the show Supernatural. I am only borrowing the characters but making them my own. This story is completely made up, none of this can be found in the show—you do not need to watch it to understand what is happening.

This story may contain language, violence and/or sexual content.

It is rated PG-13, there will be no R rated scenes.

Thank you and enjoy.


“Do you mind not playing your music so loud?”

Sam barges into Dean’s room, demanding his brother to turn off that god-awful music. His brother, Dean, lays lazily on his bed, ignoring his young brother’s request. He yawns, placing an arm under his head, shutting his eyes and grins.

“Nah Sammy, this is the good stuff.” Dean doesn’t need to open his eyes to know how Sammy’s face is twisted into his classical bitch face—head tilted, mouth pursed and a forced sarcastic smile.  

“I beg to differ Dean, I’m trying to study and you’re not helping.”

Sam strides further into Dean’s room and stands in front of his brother, waiting for him to turn down his music. Dean sighs, opens his eyes slowly and stares at his brother. Why can’t he leave me alone and listen to my music in piece, Dean wonders. He’s always complaining about everything I do he adds. Exhausted with today’s work, Dean wants nothing more than to relax in his room—in peace.

Sam looks at his brother, exhaustion clear in his eyes and relaxes his stance; guilt begins to eat him alive. Dean looked like a mess, working all day and coming late at night, he really shouldn’t be so selfish.  His brother works hard to keep him in school, especially with college coming up. Dean’s been working more shifts just so Sam could go to college—unlike him.

Casting his eyes down, Sam smiles at his brother and pretends to have accepted his loss. “Fine, you win.” Sam huffs and leaves his brother’s room. Quickly he makes his way down the hall and into their small kitchen in their tiny apartment.  He opens the fridge and skims it for something to make.

Sam frowns when he realizes they’re running out of food and choices. He closes the fridge and grabs peanut butter, bread and a banana. Grabbing a plastic plate, Sam begins to make his brother two peanut butter and banana sandwiches, knowing he must be starving but is too tired to make anything for his own.  

Once he’s done, he grabs a plastic cup and fills it with milk, gathers the plate and cup and heads to Dean’s room. Sometime while Sam was making his brother some food, Dean turned off his music.

Dean watched his brother leave his room, fully knowing he did not admit defeat but being too tired to say anything, he kept his mouth shut. Sighing, he moves his hand around the bed, searching for the remote to turn off the music. Once he finds it, he turns it off.

Dean snugs closer to his pillow and tries to let sleep take over.

“You hungry?” Sam steps into the room, finding his brother half asleep, he chuckles at the sight. Dean’s stomach answers before he can, growling like a starved animal. Dean sits up and glares at nothing in particular.

“As you can tell.” He smirks, extending his hand and taking the food away from Sam. He takes a huge bite out of his sandwich and smiles, “This is good.” He says with a full mouth. Taking the cup of milk, he takes a sip, letting the peanut butter go down.

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