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"Don't look now, Jem,", Tessa whispered, closer to him, and Jem didn't raise his head from his cell phone, trying to see if the Lapras was anywhere close. The answer was a solid maybe, so far. ", but I think one of our neighbors is trying to see what's going on."

"Which of them?", Jem replied, eyes rising minimally to meet Tessa's. She had this little wry smile wrapped on her face, and if it wasn't the cutest thing Jem had ever seen (aside from Will, too), then well.

"I think it's the one on the corner apartment, with the plants.", Tessa was having way, way too much fun with this, Jem noticed. He kissed her, and the neighbor looked, clearly puzzled, at the two of them, if what Jem could see by the corner of his eye was any indication. "I think she saw me with Will, yesterday."

Jem kissed Tessa, instead of properly answering, and the girl giggled against his lips. The neighbor made an undignified noise, and Jem had to do his very best to not laugh. This little game the three had been playing was some very interesting sort of fun.

Tessa separated from his lips, sending a curious look to their neighbor as Jem noticed that the Lapras had finally decided to show up. That was neat. He tapped the Pokemon in question, humming to himself as he and Tessa waited for Will to appear. He was late, but Jem knew he was going to be "fashionably late" anyway.

The two had met in the oddest of circumstances - Jem had found Will stuck to a tree far too tall, and then had proceeded to get stuck together. Getting stuck in trees was great bonding material, just like almost dying was. After that small event, the two were inseparable, and had started dating just before high school started. During high school there had been a student exchange, and Tessa had come to their school. Someway that not even Jem or Will could comprehend, she had fallen in love with both of them just like they had with her. The three had then made dating each other and confusing the hell out of others a game. They had no reason at all for this other than for the hell of it. It had never been discussed, sure, but it was a group decision that they somehow made. Living together just made it all sweeter.

"I'm here, did you miss me?", Will hummed, smile as bright as the sun, and Jem could feel himself blushing. He closed the app, Lapras caught, and smiled.

"Not really, but if it helps you sleep at night, sure,", Jem replied, and Will, over the top as always, made a movement of being stabbed in the heart. The squelching noise he made was a nice touch.

"Et tu, Brutus?", Will asked, approaching just enough to kiss Jem.

"Yes, even me, Cesar.", Jem hummed, satisfied with himself. He

"Where are we going?", Tessa asked, the three starting to move towards the entrance - and thus, their neighbor. Jem made sure to offer a polite smile to her as they crossed ways.

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