"I want to thank Michael." Mr. Dooley smiles. "He's letting me know I'm doing something right."

"But he's just a nerd with nothing better to do!" The familiar British voice whines. The class erupts in a light laughter.
"A Nerd?" Mr. Dooley asks, eyeing Gavin. Gavin just nods confidently and scowls at Michael who is trying to sink further into his hoodie.
"How about instead of calling Michael names, you ask him for help?" Mr. Dooley asks, crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one leg.
"Because I don't bloody need his help!" Gavin responds, flailing his arms a bit.
"This," Mr. Dooley says, pointing to the next test in the stack, Gavin's, "Tells me different..." The whole class has gone silent.
"You want to mean something, Gavin?" Mr. Dooley asks.Gavin just nods.
"Doing what?" Mr. Dooley asks.
"I dunno," Gavin shrugs, "Footie?"

Mr. Dooley chuckles.
"Well, while you sit and think about it, Michael here," Mr. Dooley says, pointing at the red head, "Is already working on it." Mr. Dooley, happy with the point he has made, moves on with his lesson plan. When it came to silent work, Mr. Dooley quietly pulls up a chair beside Michael's desk.
"Michael," Mr. Dooley whispers, "I'm very happy to see you're doing so well. You're recovering very well, did the therapy help?" Michael smiles sadly and nods.
"You should consider tutoring. Whether it be out of the kindness of your heart, or to make a couple bucks. Definitely give it some thought." Michael nods once more. Mr. Dooley nods, smiles at Michael, pats his back and walks off towards the other side of the class. Mr Dooley is an old friend of Joel's and Kara's, the two people that run the care home, and so he is very close to all the kids there, including Michael.

Gavin's hand shoots up once he sees Mr. Dooley isn't busy. The teacher quickly makes his way to Gavin's desk.
"What can I help you with, Gavin?" Mr. Dooley asks.
"Everything." Gavin groans. Mr. Dooley frowns.
"I just don't get it." Gavin sighs, "And I need to get my grades up!"
"How about we get you some personal, one on one assistance?"
"Like a tutor?" Gavin asks, not sure if he should be offended or relieved.
"Yes," Mr. Dooley nods, "A tutor." Gavin frowns for a moment. He figures it's for the best, so he nods in agreement.
"I'll see what I can do." Mr. Dooley smiles and walks to his own desk.

The class nears its end, which means Mr. Dooley was to review the stuff they'd learnt that morning.
"Who can tell me what the quadratic formula is?" The teacher begins, being cut off by the school bell ringing obnoxiously, signalling the end of the class. Mr Dooley rolls his eyes and waves his hand, dismissing his students.
"Thank Christ." Michael mutters to himself, quickly packing up and making his way out of the classroom.
"Jones. Free." Mr. Dooley calls out before Michael can escape. Michael cringes, but turns around and approaches his teacher. Gavin sighs and rolls his eyes, making his way to the teacher's desk.
"Gavin, You and I have discussed getting you more help in this class. And Michael here is my highest scoring student. Hopefully you can get him out of his shell too." Mr. Dooley says with a warm smile, gesturing between the two boys. Michael's eyes widen with shock. He has to be joking, Michael thinks to himself.
"Seriously, Mr. Dooley?" Gavin whines, "There's not anyone else that could help me?" Michael swallows hard and glues his gaze to his shoes.

"This is honestly the best I can do, Gavin." Mr. Dooley shrugs, "Michael's never failed me, I'm sure he won't fail you. Will you help him, Michael?" Mr. Dooley asks. Michael bites his lip unsure but nods, knowing he doesn't have much of a choice. Although, Michael isn't sure if Gavin wants his help. After all, Gavin was the one who stopped talking to him. Gavin was the one who ended the friendship. Why would Gavin suddenly want to be around Michael again? Gavin sighs and finally looks up at Michael.
"Can we meet at your place?" Gavin asks. "I don't need my mum and dad asking any questions." Michael nods, and turns to leave the classroom. That's when he remembers. He hasn't lived in his old house in almost four years. Fuck it, I'll explain it to him later, Michael thinks. Just before Michael exits the room Mr. Dooley calls "I'll talk to Kara about it, Michael. We were due for a phone call, anyway." Michael freezes, then just nods. Gavin joins him as he leaves the room.
"Who's Kara?" Gavin asks. Michael ignores him and continues to walk through the hallway. Gavin continues to follow him.
"Oh, do you have a girlfriend?" Gavin teases. Michael's face shows he feels offended. Kara is his career, his foster mum, he didn't possibly think of her in that way.
Gavin doesn't know any better, Michael thinks to himself. Gavin doesn't know anything that happened. He doesn't know about mum, dad, he doesn't know about Ray or Ryan. Or any of the kids he lives with now.
"Could we meet today after school?" Gavin asks quietly, "It's one of the only days I'm free." Michael nods and walks away, hauling ass to his second period class. He lazily takes his seat in his English class as the late bell rings.

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