Chapter Four

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The next thing I know I am being awakened by the sound of my phone ringing, and I realize the Rv is moving as I untangle myself from a still sleeping Vic. Hello I mumble not recognizing the number calling me.

Hey Emmy sorry I woke you up. Is Vic still with you Mike just realized that Vic was not on their bus and called me hoping he was with me? Please tell me that he is with me and we didn't leave him at the last venue.

He is still asleep on the couch. Tell Mike he is with me and he is okay. We fell asleep talking last night.

Okay I will let Mike know tell Vic to call him when he wakes up. Did the two of you use protection last night Kellin asks?

I hang up the phone without even acknowledging what Kellin said. I turn back toward the couch to see a very sexy sleepy eyed Vic watching me. Call Mike he just realized you weren't on the bus. Thank God we are heading to the same place. I am going to go back to bed. You are welcome to join me when you get through calling your brother. With that being said I go and climb into the full size bed in the bedroom cuddling down in the bed and quickly drifting back off to sleep.

I slowly drift back to consciousness to the feel of Vic gently shaking me awake.

Hey Em we are at the venue. I need to head back to my bus for sound check. We have an early set today. I made some coffee, and I will see you later. Call me when you can.

Do I get a goodbye kiss?

Vic presses a soft kiss to my forehead. If I start kissing you now I will end up back in that bed with you and I am not sure I have enough will power to stop a second time.

I really had a nice evening with you and that is the best night sleep I have had in years.

I'm glad that you were able to get some sleep. I will call you after our set.

Sounds good have a good day you beautiful sexican. I watch him leave before rolling out of bed to go and find where our booth is being set up this time. I quickly dress and dial Lucas's number to find out where I need to go.

Hello Emmy I was just fixing to call you. We have everything set up we are just waiting on you to get here. How was your night with Vic?

It was great we fell asleep talking, and he kissed me almost making me forget my own name.

Be careful Emmy what is going to happen after the tour?

I am figuring that out as I go. I really like Vic. I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time. I think Vic is a chance worth taking.

I just don't want you to get hurt Emmy.

I don't think I will be. You know my plan has always been moving closer to Rachel wherever she decides to settle after college. She has decided. I will be moving to San Diego in a couple of months. I am going to set up a program out there. And that is where Vic lives when he is not on tour. And before you say anything no this decision was made before I even met Vic so he is not the reason I decided to move.

You will be truly missed Emmy. We always knew one day that you will move on to be closer to your real family.

You kids are my real family. I just need to be near Rachel. Not in the same town she will be living in LA and I will be living in San Diego. I will be close enough if she needs me I can be there.

You raised a very strong daughter she will be okay. You do what you need to do. I will split my time between helping Sarah, and helping you set up in San Diego.

Do you have any idea where you will be setting up the program?

No I will be going in a couple of weeks and looking at a couple of locations. I will be leaving you in charge while I am gone for a couple of days doing that.

I will do whatever you need me to do Emmy. Now get your butt down here before the gates open.

Lucas no one else knows about me moving let's keep it that way until I am ready to announce it.

I figured as much just don't wait too long to tell everyone or they will get upset with you. They will understand why you are doing this Emmy. Now get a move on.

Be there in ten Lucas thank you for everything.

You are the only reason I am still here so no thanks needed.

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