2 - 'Really? You look familiar..'

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I LOVE to write this story, so much! AAAH. :D

Enjoy reading, like how much I love to write this. :D


And this chapter is deticated to @Isabellestories, she's so sweet and helped me a lot when I was down. :) So thank you Isabelle for making me happy and for listening! :D Go check her stories out! SHE'S FREAKING AMAZAYN. 

xx' Love you loads, Leanne ♥


“A Caramel Macchiato, the name is Rebecca.” I answered simply at the lady who was standing behind the counter.

She looked up from her fake long nails and sighed loudly and get the cup. I rolled my eyes at her slowness and waited for my coffee.

“Here it is.” She grumbled.

I grabbed the cup and I looked at her with a what-are-you-staring look. She sighed and literally rolled my eyes at me.

“Bitch” I muttered under my breath when I turned around and walked to Julia. 

“Go clubbing tonight?” Julia asked as we were sipping at our drinks. I shook my head slightly.
“I dunno, don’t really feel like it” I answered and felt the caramel tickle my tongue as I drank.

“Please?” She begged and set up her big blue puppy eyes at me.

I sighed and drank again off my coffee. “No, I’ve to work early tomorrow. I’m tired anyway”

“So what? YOLO.” She screamed the third word and I put my finger in my right ear of her high pitched scream.

“Argh Julia, stop it. You know I hate that word.” I mumbled.

“So? It’s true. You do only live once.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m not going to throw it away with drinking too much alcohol” I pointed out.

“You don't celebrate your life.. I have to go anyway. Have some paper work on my desk” She said as she stood up and patted her clothes off.

“Enjoy yourself.” I smirked.

“Bye!” She waved and threw the cup in the dustbin next to her.

I still sat on the bench in the park and watching the people who were passing by. I found it fascinating what the people were doing when they are walking.
For example, there was a old, guessing rich man passing me by linking arms with a younger lady. I clearly saw that the woman is annoyed by the man. She was not taking her eyes off her blackberry and wore very casual clothes. I bet that she used the poor guy for his money. He don’t deserve so kind of gold digger.

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