Fine! I am! I couldn't resist looking at her.

For the first time ever, words choked in my mouth, and I could only muster an awkward smile.

You are an idiot, Virat!

I let her in, and as soon as she saw Pandya, she ran like a little girl who had just seen her favorite toy. My eyes followed her every move.

God forgive me, but she has a sexy butt too!

Get out of your dirty thoughts, Kohli!

The way her smile reached her ears made me smile too.

They hugged each other and started talking, leaving me unnoticed. They were in their own world.

This is my home! And no sign of even looking at me? Hunh!

"Guys! I'm also here!" I finally jumped in between their conversation.

For the first time ever, I felt like a lost puppy begging for attention from her.

Virat Kohli isn't someone to be left unnoticed!

But why isn't she interested in talking to me?

Why don't I have the Kohli effect on her?

"Sorry, bro! We met after so long!" Thankfully, my bro replied.

"Niki, meet Virat! Okay, who doesn't know him! You two talk while I make coffee for you!" Harry said and headed towards the kitchen.

I love you for this, Pandya!

"Fine, Panda!" She stuck her tongue out, giving me tingling sensations.

Pandya left for the kitchen, and I was more than happy now.

"So, hi! Sta...Virat!" She was about to say stalker, but thank God she stopped.

I extended my hand towards her. Her touch sent an electric current through my body from head to toe. Her hands were so soft that I had to be careful while holding them, as mine were rough.

She smiled a little, leaving me dumbfounded again.

This girl is going to be the death of me.

"So, what's up, stalker?" she teased again.

"Hey! First of all, don't call me that! And secondly, do not tell Pandya about this!" I said seriously.

"Umm, but why? I don't hide anything from him!" she pouted, teasing me.

Teasing is Virat's game, not hers!

"Just don't! He'll screw me up in our sessions and won't let me live!" I said, and she chuckled.

Gosh! How cute her smile is.

This isn't the right time for this! Focus!

"Okay, so you know what? There's a word for this when you want someone to do something for you. It starts with P! Come on, you know this, stalker!" She winked, and my heart felt heavy.

Does she mean to say please?

Kohli doesn't say please! Hunh!

"I won't say that!" I rolled my eyes, acting like a stubborn kid.

"Fine! Then I won't hide it! Pandaaa!" She called out, and I freaked out!

"Ugh! Wait! Okay, fine! Please don't tell him?" I said, looking down in defeat.

I hate losing!

The game is on Nikita! Now see the tables turning soon!

"That's like a good captain!" She laughed, and damn, I could die for that laugh.

Then Pandya came back with coffee. I frowned because I had just started talking to her.

They talked and talked, ignoring me, leaving me sitting there like an idiot, not taking my eyes off her, noticing how her soft, tender lips moved while she spoke. I wanted to feel those lips on mine.

The half hour went by so quickly, and she stood up to leave. I didn't want her to go so soon. We didn't even get a chance to talk, as she was busy with her best friend. My little time with her only went in convincing her not to say anything to Pandya.

"Bye, Panda! See you tomorrow! Be on time!" she said, picking up her bag and hugging him.

"I and Kohli will be on time! All the best! You're going to rock, Niki Piki!" Pandya said, hugging her back, and I felt a pang of jealousy.

"Bye, Virat! You have a nice house!" She looked at me and waved goodbye.

Where was my hug?

Within seconds, she left, leaving me flabbergasted. I could still picture how cute she looked while talking on the phone.

This girl is ruining me with her thoughts, and I hate it.

Bigg chappiee😻
Finally they met!😭
It takes so much time to write a big chapter but it takes a lot more time to proofread it😂 i swear every single time i read it again i find a new mistake😂
Anyways did you like their meeting?😍

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