Evangeline: You what? (Hold up hand in the air and a spell circle appears)

Mayuki: (Goes into Kitsune form)

Everyone Else: (Duck for Cover)

Sasuke: (Runs into the room) Hey has anyone seen the... (freezes in place, seeing that the whole Original Character Office is in chaos) Ummmm, am I missing something.

Akachi: Hey, Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hn, hey Akachi-nii

Akachi: Monday is Author-chan's birthday and we're deciding what to do for her.

Sasuke: Hn okay then... has anyone seen the mop?

Max: (walks in the room with a disgusted look) Who wasted the coffee on the floor in the break room?

Sasuke: I did. I was looking for the mop, but they were just enlightening me on the fact that on Monday is Author-chan's birthday.

Max: Oh yeah, on Monday is her birthday. How old is she turning? 20?

Mayuki: Man, she's old.

Max: I guess, Author-chan has something in store for you during our next update. Hopefully I don't die.

Grey: Shut up, Max. You know that you're immortal.

Mayuki: You're immortal?

Max: Nooooooo (walks off)

(In walks three people. Two girls and one boy. One of the girls had long, slick, black hair with piercing, black eyes, pale skin and a tall stature. The other girl had long, blonde hair that went black at the tips. She had bright blue eyes and she was average height. The boy had bright, red hair and electric blue eyes. He was taller than both girls.)

Mayuki: What is Human Resources doing here?

Yuki: (Whispers) I only see them when someone's book is going on hold.

Black Haired Girl: Good Day, Department of Original Characters. My name is Chi Michaelis, this is Raina Tategami and this is Calico, and we are from the Human Resources Section.

Max: (comes out of hiding behind Yuki) Chi, are you my sister?

Chi: You can say that.

Akachi: I didn't know that we had an HR department.

Minerva: Every Corporate office has one. Who do you think buys the coffee and sends those loooooong emails that could have been summed up in one line.

Chi: (Pretends not to hear)

Eloise: Hey, Chi.

Chi: Hey, Elli. What's up?

Eloise: Nothing much. I'm just waiting on Senpai's friends to screw up again.

Lèòn: What's that supposed to mean?

Eloise: Ohhhh, nothing.

Anne: What brings HR up here, and which books did you come from?

Chi: Well, we came here to collect ideas from you guys as to what to do for Author-chan's birthday which is on Monday. Oh, and Calico and I came from Her and Tea_ame's book 'The Scarlet Lily'. Raina came from her and Tea's book, Silent Revenge, which is no longer published, but serves as her very first writing experience on wattpad. I came in the place of Kunisku Yakatachi, who is the head of HR and Author-chan's Very FIRST character. She's married to Sasuke by the way. (Looks at Sasuke and Smiles) Isn't that right Uchiha?

Sasuke: I know you not, assassin.

Chi: (Grins and walks over to Sasuke) Of, shall I relay that message to your dearest wife?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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