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Goodmorning world,I yawned,stretching my arms and getting ready for school.

Getting up from my bed,I noticed papers that are scattered everywhere from my study table,and that's when I remembered that I haven't finished my homework last night.

Great,I thought sarcastically while fixing the papers,and decided to finish it in school.

(A/N LOL,why do they call it homework when your doing it in school.😂😂😂
But it's Ok,since I do it all the time.
P.S. Don't imitate your Authornim😁)

(Skip/In school)

Aish,this is so hard,I groaned,hitting my head at the table continuously,due to the difficult Math equation that I was trying to solve.

Here let me help,Ren insisted,suddenly appearing out of no where.Which of course,scared me.

Yah! Where did you come from,I smacked her shoulder lightly.
"from the front door,duh.Now let me help you with your homework."

(After 5min. of having fun doing equations😂)
So do you get it now,Ren asked after she was done helping me.
Yeah,Hehe.thanks Unnie,without you,I would've had a hard time finishing this all by myself.


Oh,I almost forgot,what happened at the Restaurant resterday? We were waiting for you but,you just disappeared.

"Oh that,well Uhmm...



"Omo,so,you mean you got back together.Wow,daebak"

Yeah yeah,I rolled my eyes and fixed my things.Let's go,we only have 5min. more.


(Skip in class)

Psst.Ash,do you have a ballpen I can borrow.Uhmm..... sure,I handed Ren a pen.

Kyla,Eivan:Goodmorning ma'am,we're sorry were late.
Teacher:What's the reason your late?
Teacher:Sit down
Kyla,Eivan:Yes Ma'am

Kyla POV
This is all your fault,I whisper shouted at him.My fault,you were the one who stoped and bought food,he tched.Well you kept on following me,I pinched his ear.

Eivan:Stop,it hurts!
Tch...I mimicked him

Eivan POV
Wahh,goodmorning world.

After I got dressed,I saw Kyla walking.Wahaha,she's so ugly.I'll go and tease her.

Kyla:W-H-A-T  D-O  Y-O-U  WANT!!??? I shouted at his face
Eivan:I want you....................

to brush your teeth!!!!
Kyla:Pssh,then just stay away from me.And FYI I brushed,your the one who smells bad.I pushed him away and walked to school........but then I saw a lemonade stand.

Wahhh,I'm so thirsty.I need a drink.Aish,it's 7:28.Eottokhae.Just one drink then I'll go.

Still Eivan POV
Where is she!?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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