Omegle w/ a desperate guy who cant speak english

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: roxy heeree

Stranger: m

You: ima girl

You: hows it goooin

Stranger: nice age

Stranger: gud

Stranger: urs

You: im 16

Stranger: that cool

You: yea im cool

Stranger: u might be hot no

Stranger: now

You: but not as cool as my frends dave strider n dirk strider

You: u think im hot

Stranger: yes ofcourse

You: but u dnt evn kno wat I look like

You: r u like a wixard?

You: wizard*

Stranger: oh sry

You: lmoa im drunk in case u haven't noticed


do u have kik

Stranger: r skype

You: I have pesterchum

You: :3

Stranger: what

You: pesterchum my friends and I talk on there like evryday

Stranger: its k me too ur frnd

You: i ur frnd :3

Stranger: can we be frnds

You: hells yea sure ;)

Stranger: in skype

You: skype?

Stranger: ******** my skype id ((for safety))

You: the fuck is skype

Stranger: kik

You: u mean kick

Stranger: kik messanger

You: :3 ur rly funny i have no idea wat u r talkin abt

Stranger: k where we can be frnds

You: roxy lalande btws

You: lalonde*

You: we can be frends rite here

Stranger: i don't no lalonde

You: wat do u mean u dnt kno

You: my name is roxy lolonde is all

Stranger: no

You: lalande*

You: lalonde*

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