yi kes (deleted)

199 10 26

i deleted this bc ppl can't understand i wrote more of this mostly bc of ed

i don't know if i want to delete the other things, bc i mean i spent a lot of time on them, my anxiety is really highly atm because i really don't want this fandom to turn into the others- i was thinking of deleting this for a while. but don't worry, as long as we don't tag the boys on the fanfics i think we might be okay- and also, eds friend did say that they won't show them because dave might be a little uncomfortable and drew would get too excited (lol) and he took it lightly bc ed is super sweet and stuff. anyway, they shouldn't find out, unless some of u guys have the fanfic (screenshotted, or for example i sent it to some of my friends before i published it, but o trust them) but other than that they shouldn't find out. writing is still a hobby and i don't think anyway should get TOO mad unless the boys themselves say "i feel uncomfortable" and eds friend saying that it's a minor possibility is still a possibility, so i prefer to be safe bc i love the boys and this fandom way too much. peace out bbys.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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