Chapter 25--More Than a Friend

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The next thing I knew, I woke up in an unfamiliar bed that smelled all too familiar, and much too much of Julius.

“Storm?” I heard Julius whisper my name as the bed sagged beneath his weight and I assumed he had sat down beside me.

I opened my eyes and looked up into those fathomless green depths. “This is getting beyond ridiculous,” I told him, ruefully.

I was not a fainter. I never had been one, and I never would be one. It was such a sign of weakness. “ Don’t you get tired of carrying me around?” I asked on a sigh.

“Don’t jest.” Julius looked like he was in pain, but he didn’t look away from me.

“Who says I am?”

Julius smiled and captured my hand, pressing it to his cheek. His eyes closed as if savoring the moment. He kissed the inside of my wrist. Then he leaned down, hesitantly, still holding my hand to his cheek and tried to kiss me on the lips. I turned my head just in time to have his lips gently touch the side of my face instead.

“How easy you distract me, Storm. I woke you to let you know the others are coming soon.”

“Varak, Vorst, and Natos?” It was hard to concentrate on anything but the scent of Julius permeating the air. I turned my head and sniffed the pillow. It smelled of Julius also.

“Them, too, I’m afraid. I was talking about your family--and the Traveler.”

I sighed. “I’m not afraid of Nigel.”

I considered myself a good judge of character and resented Julius belittling Nigel.

“You should be. He’s a lot stronger than he lets on.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” I was getting upset and tried to calm down.

“Not necessarily. I just have to question why he is hiding his power.”

“Why are you hiding yours? That question works both ways.”

Julius’s eyes narrowed. “I have my reasons.”

I shrugged. “Maybe Nigel has his reasons as well.”

He smiled and attempted to kiss me again, but again I turned my head just enough that his kiss landed on my cheek. Julius was persistent, I’ll give him that.

“I brought you here for my own reasons.” Julius swallowed convulsively.

“Why?” My voice came out as a croak. How did I fit into Julius’s plan. Something told me he had one.

“I want to tell you now, while I still can. I am in love with you.”

“What? You’re in love with me?” I asked, feeling a ringing in my ears. “You’re kidding, right?” I suddenly couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. “That’s crazy. We’ve only known each other two days.”

“Do they not have love at first sight on your planet, then,” he asked sadly. “Because the first moment I saw you standing there in the gateway, I fell in love with you.”

For so long I had wanted someone to love me. Now it was too much to assimilate. Julius just saying the words, I love you, the doubt flashed through my mind, didn’t make it real. Why had he chosen such an awkward moment for such a mind-boggling announcement?

“I can’t think…” I choked out, the urge to run uppermost in my mind.

This was so wrong of him; and so unfair. Now was not the time. Not when I was so vulnerable. His declaration felt more like an attack than a declaration.

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