Chapter Two

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After a great ordeal over what to do the pugs realised that the owner believed pugs don't use Xbox One's so they possibly couldn't of broken it. "Problem solved," said Freddie proudly,"Thanks to my amazing skills."
"Your amazing skills!" laughed Phoebe "Your brain is the size of a nut!"
"And yours is to!" replied Freddie.

Then another unnecessary argument took place. Freddie and Phoebe decided to be friends again and that it was time for their usual three hour nap. Because pug life is hard, they need several long naps to regain their energy.

When the pugs awoke they wanted to go into the garden and sunbathe. It was a hot day in summer and they just had to get outside. But first they had to think of an escape route to get out of the house. Like any good owner, he had locked the doors and closed the windows. Luckily the owner didn't bother locking the windows. The perfect pug escape root.

The pugs had their eyes on the kitchen window which led out to the garden. To reach it they had to get on top of the kitchen workplace. The bin! Freddie got a cushion from the living room and pushed it in front of the bin. He got onto two legs (holding the bin) and jumped of the cushion onto the bin. Freddie then helped Phoebe onto the bin and then they both climbed up onto the workplace. They passed the bread bin and couldn't resist the temptation of eating what was inside. Now it was time for the delicate mission of going over the hob. If they knocked any nobs or stepped on any buttons they would be burned. They took a big step over the nobs and then avoided the button on the over side. Mission complete. They had now reached the kitchen sink. They pushed up the window handle and the pugs where free. They jumped out of the window and landed on a soft flower bed.

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